Tell me about your experiences at Kzoo

My daughter is narrowing down her list of colleges, and Kalamazoo is in the top three. We’d love to hear from people (parents or students) who have actual experiences with the school. What made you or your child choose Kalamazoo over other options? What have been your experiences so far? What has been your favorite part? What would you change if you could?

Thanks! She’s planning to visit during an Admitted Students Day in March, but, in the meantime, she’s trying to gather as much information as possible. Thanks!!

I went there and afterwards got into the #1 PHD program in my field, fully funded without a prior master’s degree. The experiences I gained through my internships, international study and senior project --along with the really close relationships with professors who could write compelling letters of recommendation-- made me stand out compared to peers who attended more well-known colleges. K College has excellent PhD placement across their departments–don’t just look at PhD acceptance rates (which are very strong) but also how many programs send students to the very top programs… Within my PhD program I would also say I was one of the better prepared for the research/writing/ independent thinking. I am still in contact with key undergrad professors. I also had fun. One thing I think is challenging is that you develop these intensive friendships and then people leave the country for a year–or go off to NYC or Philly for an apprenticeship–and then somewhere else to intern, and then back abroad for a senior project etc. This has advantages and disadvantages, but I think you need to be independent and adaptable to thrive.

Thanks so much for your feedback! Those are some very good points for her to consider as she makes her final decision.

Kalamazoo College is the perfect fit for any student who is successful, self-motivated, completely mentally healthy and driven. In other words, if your soon-to-be college freshman will be successful anywhere, then K is the place for her. As far as I can tell, it looks great on one’s resume.