<p>who figured this out last time??? haha - im sure they havent taken any new precautions against this sort of thing...</p>
<p>u think so...be my guest to get urself a first-class ticket to being Barred from Cornell</p>
<p>why not mail them and post it on the open...
Whats next?</p>
<p>SECRET PLAN: Alert, this is confidential... We will evilly sneak away and take over CC and then the college discussion is ours Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha</p>
<p>Jeez, dont be so dumb...
Its only a few more days... just calm down and let the Cornell adcoms do their jobs well and in peace..</p>
<p>P.S The evil plan is serious, oh sorry just a joke for the information of the mods and admin</p>
<p>clearly it is not me, but you people who need to relax. i'm not serious. go get your sarcasm/joke meters fixed or something.</p>
<p>omg i'm telling on j00!</p>