Tell me it's not true . . .

<p>My Husband works just outside Ann Arbor. Two people he works with were telling him that U of M puts a surcharge on the tuition each year. Not the regular tuition rates. What they told him was that year's Seniors are paying more than this year's Junior who are paying more than this year's Sophomores who are paying more than this year's Freshman. The Freshman tuition is not the same as the Sophomore, and so on.</p>

<p>Tell me this isn't true.</p>

<p>Yeah actually the Freshman, Sophomore tuition is the same, and the Junior and Senior tuition is the same, but those two groups are different. That's not surprising news, it has been like that for some time now, and its available on their website.</p>

<p>Yeah, its not a big differance though. Its just one of those things that you have to swallow.</p>

<p>It's not a "surcharge;" it's just that Upperclass tuition and underclass tuition is not the same.</p>

<p>It can also vary a little by school.</p>

<p>This is not uncommon (not just a U-M thing).</p>

<p>Went back and looked at the web site again. Now I understand what "Upper Division" and "Lower Division" mean under tuition! I also noted that MSU does the same thing. I had just never heard of it before.</p>