TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK.. Chances of Ivy Admission?

I’ll be brief.

Not doing this for an ego-booster: I am currently a high school senior in a decently-small Texas town. I recently visited Harvard, Yale, and Princeton and liked all three. I plan to apply to Princeton SCEA in November and the other two in the RD round. I am guaranteed admissions into UT-Austin, my safety school. I am also considering Vanderbilt, Rice, Columbia, Stanford, Notre Dame, and the University of Chicago. I plan to pursue an undergrad major somewhere in the humanities, and would like to go to Law School upon graduation from a four-year university.


2nd in class of 400. 4.0 (of 4.0) Unweighted GPA, 5.79 (of 6.0) Weighted GPA.
Will have taken 14 AP classes by graduation
PSAT: 1460 of 1520 (likely going to be a NMS)
SAT: 1490/21 on writing (a little low, will be retaking in October. I expect around a 1550/22 or so)
SAT II World History: 780
5’s on AP US, WH, and Eng Lang


United States Senate Page

University of Notre Dame Leadership Seminar - Global Issues: Toward a Just Peace participant this summer (not a typical summer camp: entry is competitive and all costs are paid for)

JFK Library Foundation Profile in Courage Essay Contest 2nd Place Winner

Eagle Scout (Member of Senior Patrol)

EVHS Debate Team Captain - (very limited opportunities due to lack of debate atmosphere and coaching-I kept the team alive and was the only member last year. I’ve reached the regional level and state level once)

National Merit Semi-Finalist (pending)

American Legion Texas Boys State Participant

Rotary Youth Leadership Award Winner and RYLA Camp Participant

NHS Member

Spanish National Honor Society

Volunteer Defense Attorney for County Teen Court twice a month - love defending kids in front of the State.

Active member of Church, I volunteer at least once a month playing the piano and/or running the sound board. Also part of the youth group and have performed over 200+ hours of service since 2012.

Piano/Keyboard - played since 5, not concert-level but I am considering sending in an arts supplement with my application.

Worked at Panera Bread last year before leaving due to existential circumstances.

So, whaddya think? Thanks in advance, really appreciate all of your thoughts/advice/comments.

GPA is good, however all of your other qualifications seem to be weak. Definitely need to get your SAT up, and I’m pretty sure you’ll need another SAT II for all of these colleges. None of your ECs are very remarkable, and major awards are lacking.

HYP are reaches for everyone, more so for you.