Telluride Association Sophomore Seminars (TASS)

<p>I recieved an application for TASS (2008), and I think I am going to apply. Has anyone attended this program before? Any feedback? </p>

<p>Can anyone share the details of where we live, whether or not athletic facilities are avaliable (and if so, what?), what a typical day is like, what kind of food we eat, etc.?</p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>

<p>Also, is the program mainly designed for those of African-American descent? Because looking through the past threads about TASS, people seem to be curious in whether the asker is African-American or not. I am not.</p>

<p>Yay, a TASS thread!!!</p>

<p>I attend TASS last year at Umich and I definitely recommend the program to you. </p>

<p>I will sort of go through your questions you posed and I will be more than happy to answer any subsequent questions or provide more info.</p>

<p>At University of Michigan we stayed at the Telluride house there. It was an old sorority that is now property of Telluride and houses Umich students during the year and is just a generally cool place.
On the first day you get an ID card which gives you access to all the facilities on campus. We had access to a full gym, indoor pool, basketball courts ect. Also you get plenty of exercise walking the mile or so to class everyday. Food is made in-house by the resident chef. Lunch and Dinner are prepared for us every day but Sunday and the food was really good, and there is a good variety. (She took requests too!) For breakfast they have cereal fruit bagels breakfast sandwiches, and all that kind of good stuff so you don't have to worry about that. </p>

<p>A typical day would be:
Get up- 8:00
Breakfast/Shower/Get Ready
8:45- Leave for Seminar
9:00-12:00- Seminar
12:30- Lunch (At House)
Homework, go to the gym, hang out, go explore, sleep, play ultimate or football on the field across the street ect.</p>

<p>6:00- Dinner
Homework, hang out, impromptu dance parties ect.
11:00- Be in the house (12:00 on weekends)
12:00- Be in rooms (1:00 on weekends)</p>

<p>That is really generic overview, it is a lot of fun and you have lots of freedom!</p>

<p>People always ask this question and in short, yes the program is designed for African-Americans. The program is designed to give those who are interested in AA topics a chance to study them at a very deep level in an engaging atmosphere which is not available at most/or any schools for that matter. Due to this I would say to a certain extent the program in self-selecting. Naturally those of African-American descent will be more attracted to the programs. That being said TASS is not Black Camp! While the majority of participants are AA, those who are there are there because they truly are passionate about the subjects, and just because you're not AA doesn't mean you can not participate in the programs and Telluride will not look at you as a candidate any differently based on your ethnicity. </p>

<p>Hope that helps!
I know 32flavors is another tasser on CC and I am sure she will be able to provide you some insight as well.</p>

<p>I am more than willing to answer any other questions you may have.</p>

<p>If I were to go adn get accepted, do you think that I would be the only non-African-American? Do I have a lesser chance of getting in since I am Caucasion?</p>

<p>But it soundslike a TONNNN of fun!! I AM SO EXCITED! </p>

<p>So basically, they have good food that teenagers like? Cuz I am kind of a picky eater. Hehe....</p>

<p>Would I be able to play tennis there??</p>

<p>Can parents visit? </p>

<p>(never mind what I said about if I would be less liekly to be accepted, I missed what you said in your first response)</p>

<p>Aah! TASS thread! LOVE!!</p>

<p>We had access to tennis courts, although, depending on what type of TASSer you are, you might not have <em>tons</em> of time to use them. ("What type of TASSer you are" = the type that finishes their work for seminar at 5:00 p.m. the day it's assigned, or at 8:00 a.m. an hour before seminar starts (<em>cough cough giantredlobster cough cough</em>))
(Please don't let the parenthesis-within-parenthesis throw you off. :))</p>

<p>Parents can visit.</p>

<p>And I'll repost something I said in another thread:
"Personally, at my TASS, I was the only (all) white person. I had a fabulous experience, learned a lot, and met amazing people. At the time of application, I was (a) deeply interested in African-American studies, and (b) aware and comfortable with the knowledge that, if accepted, I would probably be the only/one of a few non-Black people. In my <em>humble</em> opinion, those are 2 good criteria for a non-Black prospective TASSapplicant to know if it would be a good fit for them."</p>

<p>I knew 32flavors would provide some insight. :-)</p>

<p>HJ the food will be least of your worries, in most cases with notice you can go out and eat, but dont make a habit of it, the food isnt all that bad.
one note though you should be motivated as 32flavors said not everyone got there work done on time or at all for that matter. besides the seminar and working out there is tons that you could do if you had a bus pass and the afternoon. or a bag full of boredom.
and thought giantred has touched this already, being caucasian shouldnt be a problem if you get accepted cuz the people there are pretty cool. after a few days youll have a disfunctional little family. : )</p>

<p>Panic, the comment about not doing work was a joke directed to me. However that is not true, it was one isolated incident regarding an essay and due to my writing process I found myself stuck regarding time. </p>


<p>no no giantred. i know people who didnt read the books they were supposed to and just winged class. it was not an add on to your essay though i do not suggest winging it horsejumper, take it seriously tass is worth it.</p>

<p>I've also recieved an application from tass! I applied and turned in my application a couple of weeks ago!</p>

<p>It sounds like so much fun! >.< I can't wait to be a sophomore. The community participation one sounds so interesting.</p>

<p>Since interview notifications are out, and some people on the TASP thread were interested in discussing TASS, I'm bumping this. Questions, discussion, rejoicing?</p>

<p>32flavors, you were a TASS alum right? How was the TASS seminar? I was accepted to an interview and can't wait to see what unfolds!</p>

<p>Hi BlackDreamer,</p>

<p>My earlier post in this thread talks a little bit about my experience. In short, the seminar was brilliant, and choosing to apply was probably one of my better/best decisions in life thusfar. Congratulations on your interview, and good luck with the rest of the process!</p>

<p>Hey! since everyone has already done their interview, how do u all think u've done?</p>

<p>anyone here got in?</p>

<p>I did! But, I forgot to ask about which program I made it into.</p>

<p>Awww, new TASSers. Yay.
If anybody here has any questions they'd like to ask me (I was a 2007 TASSer), ask /pm away. Alternately, just psyche yourself out for an amazing six weeks. :)</p>

<p>i'm going to Mich II</p>