Temple Nursing What are the chances ...Excellent student but not elite

My D will be graduating May 2020. We visited colleges and she loves Temple . She would like a direct entry nursing . Her number one is Temple . Her stats are :3.7 weighted, a little less unweighted . ACT is 26. She has 98 avg in chemistry and high 90s in math. He ECs are captain of tennis team; volunteer at community hospital . Final year she is taking physics and college anatomy and physiology. It’s clear all direct entries are competitive. Do you think she has at least a 50% chance at temple. If she doesn’t get in she may consider Towson though not a direct entry she really liked school …it’s seems very hard for kids who are abover average but are not elite to get into direct entry… your thoughts are appreciated.

S20 emailed admissions yesterday with that same question. He has similar stats to your D20 and this was their reply…

Thank you for your email and for your interest in Temple. This year, the average applicant for the Nursing program had a 3.95 GPA, 32 ACT and 1460 SAT. If you are admissible to Temple, but not nursing, you will still be able to select a health sciences major. You are more than welcome to change your major now, but I would suggest discussing these options with your parents/guardians/school counselor before making a final decision. Especially if you are interested in nursing. It is always easier to switch out of nursing then trying to get into it.

However, D19 with a 30ACT and 4.0 gained direct entry nursing to Temple honors, University of Miami and University of Pittsburgh. Good Luck!!

@nglaw1836 Although your daughter’s ACT score is probably lowish for entrance to larger schools’ direct entry programs, there are many smaller to medium-sized schools’ direct entry programs, especially here in PA, that would be happy to have her. Is she dead set on a large school, or will she consider smaller schools as well? I would highly recommend direct entry programs if she is sure she wants to be a nurse. You might consider posting in the Nursing Major forum.

I think she like the school a lot and I also think she liked The Philadelphia area. What a shame a 26 by all other circumstances is considered a competitive ACT score.

What smaller to medium size schools would you suggest?

@nglaw1836 Pennsylvania has 42 schools with BSN programs, most of which are direct entry. See below, especially pages 5-9.


UPenn, Penn State (main campus), Pitt (main campus), Temple, and Villanova are probably the most competitive, though West Chester and Bloomsburg are also competitive due to being state (PASSHE) schools with lower tuition costs. Most of the rest are less competitive, though admission to the nursing major is generally more selective at most if not all schools. Is your daughter open to Catholic and/or (non-Catholic) Christian schools? Any distance parameters (i.e., maximum distance from home)? Cost limitations? I think we should move the discussion to the Nursing Major forum. Just post a question there and you will get many responses.

@nglaw1836 I sent you a private message.

@nglaw1836 If your daughter wants to be in the city of Philadelphia, Drexel or La Salle may be possibilities.

Maybe your daughter can prep over the summer and improve her ACT. My daughter will be attending Temple for nursing in the fall (2019). She’s very excited about the program and to move to Philadelphia. Nursing program at Temple only has around 100 students (per class).

Hey dad! This is me guys. I’m the daughter :slight_smile: