Tennis in College

Hey I just wanted to know if there are any tennis players out there with good grades (4.4 and above)? Do any of you what is a good ranking just to get into a good school, but not necessarily play for the team. Thanks!

I think if you are not good enough to play on the school tennis team, it would affect your application just as much as any other sport or extracurricular.

If you aren’t recruited, it’s just another EC.

A lot of people in my school play tennis and a lot of people in my school get into Princeton, and if you do a chi-squared analysis on the expected number of people who get into Princeton and play tennis, there is a statistically significant excess. So, play tennis, get into Princeton.

what are their average GPA to get into Princeton or NYU?

Im ranked top 30 in southern California at the moment…would that be a strong extracurricular. I compete in the USTA

Like others have said, if you are not being recruited to play tennis in college, they will just consider it another EC and your ranking really won’t matter. It will be an EC just as debate team or band might be considered an EC.

I am a tennis player who just graduated with a 4.4. As others have said, your ranking doesn’t matter unless you are a recruited athlete. Based on what you are saying though, you should be able to play somewhere if you want to. That would probably increase your chances of admission.

Being recruited is a lot more important and necessary than your ranking. You could be in the top 5, but that does not help if you are not recruited. If you aren’t then it is just another extracurricular. Colleges are going to Have you thought about just trying to be recruited just to see your options? (Even though you said that you don’t really want to play in college.) Being recruited would definitely help. If you don’t plan on playing tennis in college, then I would focus on making the other parts of your application (GPA, test scores, etc.) as competitive as possible. Good luck!

Thanks guys! I was wondering because my parents say that tennis is just to help me, but I have some doubts as to how far it will take me especially when im not planning on competing on the team, as u guys have said. well, if I have to play to get in then yea Id probably do it