Tepper Undergrad Business

In the most recent P&Q ranking - Tepper Business school is ranked #22 ??? P&Q ranks schools based on 3 major factors – Admissions, Academic Experience and Employment. P&Q’s methodology, based on metrics, is significantly better than US News ranking, based on Dean ranking other schools (mostly they go by reputation not actual numbers).
Question: Tepper undergrad program got dinged because the Alumni gave Academic Experience a rank of 65 out of 88 Undergrad business programs that were ranked!

Would appreciate any comments from a CMU alum or even student or somebody who knows about the program. Thank you!



ranking methodology in the first few pages…jump to page 4 for rankings…make sure to put Top 50 to see CMU ranking.

@kg2013 - this link is for the 2016 ranking. What am I missing? (CMU #7, BTW).

Nvm - found it. Wouldn’t worry. Rank by “Academic Experience” and note which schools are in the top 10. Many of them aren’t as selective. Tepper is tough. Most probably shouldn’t be rating their academic experience until five years out, when they can truly compare themselves to graduates of other places in terms of knowledge learned, techincal preparation, salary and career promotional opportunities, etc.


Thanks! sorry, I was looking at the old rankings too --to compare schools and sent your link! I see your point…re: academic experience. Last year, CMU got a low ranking because the alumni did not like the Tepper buildings…now that issue is gone with the new buildings opened this year?
Am sure, CMU ranking will go up! Also, CMU (one of the very few or only one if I remember right among top schools) offers BS Management as opposed to BA…we loved that since our son is more Math oriented!

@kg2013 - schools will have their individual criteria but in general the BS is going to be more technical than the BA, and no doubt your math’y son will enjoy CMU! Also you can bet that the dean will turn that negative rating around pretty quick. Dean’s don’t like low rankings. (and the new facilities will help, assuming that the undergrads have access to them).

Thank you!! Happy New Year to You & Your family! All the Very Best to you!
This is a big year for our son and our family --he will be going to college…yeah, we have only one kid too!