test of CC's chances-posters

<p>Are you sure that's all he had on his app?</p>

<p>Haha, yep, proof positive. We helped each other proof our applications, essays, resumes, etc; I still have a copy of his Harvard app in my files, as does he with mine.</p>

<p>Are you able to comment on the quality of his essays and/or recommendations?</p>

<p>Recs were good (not spectacular, but good) and essay was a nice, creatively written piece about climbing and how it helped his approach to life/work (started off with a creative-writing style first person narrative, transitioned into how it all applied, transitioned back out and finished the narrative - pretty standard format, but very effective).
For Harvard also submitted a second essay about how living abroad had changed his view of the world (made him less US-centric, greater emphasis on language which is why he took two languages, etc)</p>

<p>But no second essay for Yale? Getting the likely there is the most impressive of his results at HYP.</p>

<p>Sorry, he also submitted that second essay for Yale and an abbreviated version for princeton's 250 word prompt, I just mentioned it especially for Harvard because at Harvard a second essay is optional.</p>

Take what you will from that.


<p>What do you think we should take from it? Is there a point you are trying to make about how Harvard evaluates applicants that you think we are missing?</p>

<p>Not at all, I don't have any interpretation that I think is right. I was just providing the profile of an applicant which the top 3 schools in America thought was good enough to admit, one of which placed him in their top 100 applicants. The 'chances' threads are all so hypothetical and no one's ever right or wrong, so I thought i'd put one up with a right and wrong answer, that's all. If nothing else it should serve to make people who find such applicants unremarkable cause to reconsider, but I don't really have an overall message.</p>

<p>Thanks for doing this, h-bomber. Oddly, I feel that it really kind of helped me. :)</p>

<p>Yea, I kind of wish we had a better gauge for the accuracy of chances threads. I think it'd be cool if more people provided threads linking chances threads with actual results. Anyways, glad to do my part</p>

<p>hey im going to post a post-chance thread for someone i know who already goes to college (freshman). see if you guess right =P</p>

<p>GPA: 4.7 w, 4.0 uw
SAT: 2370 retake 2400 -<em>-
SATIIs: 3 800's
Rank: 1/~500
school: competitive NY public school, sends 10% of ivies
classes: as hard as you can get.
recs: really good
essays: probably really good. and probably got someone to edit them 47508275 times
asian girl, really annoyingly perfectionistic, had a private tutor for any subject she didn't get an 100% in. -</em>- rich famous parents...?</p>

theater/drama - lead role in school play couple of times
president of 3 or 4 major clubs
lots and lots of community service
all-state violinist
concertmistress of school orchestra
piano awards</p>

<p>applied to:
harvard (ed)

<p>what do uthink?</p>

<p>^from the tone of your post, I'm going to say she got rejected from alot</p>


<p>h-bomber, can we have an answer?</p>

<p>Narcissa, can we have an answer? :D I'd say she got into one of the Ivies, and got rejected for the better part of everything else</p>

<p>i know the answer to this one!</p>

<p>she was rejected EVERYWHERE!</p>

<p>I think I'll try one as well; she is now a freshman c/o 2011</p>

<p>GPA: 4.72 w, 4.0 uw
SAT: 2210 (I had to weasel this out of her)
SATIIs: (Won't tell me)
Rank: 4/340
school: competitive public
classes: very much on the hard side
essays: average; not bad by any means, just no WOW factor</p>

<p>White female</p>

- Editor in Chief of Newspaper
- President of Ecology Club
- VP of French Club
- Involved in county-wide newspaper
- President of SGA
- Varsity XC (running)
- Major environmentalist/loved by all</p>

<p>applied to:</p>

<p>Harvard (double legacy)
Boston University
(She really liked boston a lot haha)</p>

<p>I think she got rejected from Harvard.. That's my guess hehe..</p>

<p>i already gave the answer to mine (see previous pages)
I don't know anything about these new cases, but whole heartedly encourage these chances threads with actual answers (if for no other reason than to calibrate the CC chances 'experts')</p>


Sorry for asking not really related question, but what does it mean for one to be "waspy"?</p>

<p>white anglo saxon protestant-y</p>