test of CC's chances-posters

<p>So I've been reading a lot of the "chances" threads and been curious for a while about how accurate people are. I'd like to see what people think of the following applicant's chances. I'm going to post the stats of a friend of mine who applied to Harvard the same year as I did (for class of 2009), and I want people to discuss his/her chances like he/she was applying today. As a sidenote, this is not intended to trip people up, this person is a friend of mine who gave me permission to use the stats, these are not my stats (it's pretty clear I go to Harvard so it'd be pretty easy to evaluate what my chances were). I'm obviously not going to tell you where they go to school now, b/c that would ruin the fun. Anyways, here goes...</p>

Gender: Male
Race: White
School: Small private, OH
Current Year: NA (stats below stand as they would have on the app)
GPA: 4.67 (weighted) 3.9 (unweighted)
SAT I: 730 M, 790 Verbal Total 1530 (this was back when there were only 2 sections)
SAT II's: 790 Bio, 800 Writing, 730 Spanish, 760 Math IC
Rank: 2/320
AP Scores: 5's in Biology, Chemistry, US History, English Literature, and Spanish Lang.
AP's to take Senior Year: French Lang., Spanish Lit., BC Calc </p>

Cum Laude inductee Junior Year
National Merit Scholar
3rd in US on Level III French Language Test (Le Concours National de Francais)</p>

4 Year Varsity Soccer and Lacrosse Player (Captain of both Senior year, 1st team all-Southwest OH soccer)
Page editor of school newspaper
4 year's of winter musical (soloist Junior year)
Class Secretary/Treasurer Freshman-Senior Year
President Model UN
Founder and President of School Climbing Club</p>

Lived in England for 6 years (from 3 years-10 years)
Certified climbing guide (I guess this would be the 'passion' of the applicant: he/she has extensive climbing and hiking experience, and wrote his/her main essay about it)</p>

<p>depends on if the adcoms had a good day. my guess is admit tho even though slightly weak in the EC's aside fromt he soccer and lacrosse</p>

<p>Ok, the way I see it:</p>

<p>Awards: limited
Extracurriculars: short but dedicated
Scores and GPA: stellar</p>

<p>Depends upon: recs and essays
This is IMO one of the chances threads where the reply would be:
"Do apply. It's a crapshot but you might get in".</p>

<p>My **guess **would be that he didn't get in..
But probably got in at another equally great university.</p>

School: Small private, OH


Well, how is that school's relationship with Harvard. The kid is #2 and at some private schools, thats guaranteed in at most every Ivy. </p>

<p>Was he recruited for soccer? </p>

<p>Chances threads really don't give the whole story, so I say he was waitlisted (in between admitted and rejected).</p>

<p>I already found out that I'm no good at predicting chances. I don't see the whole admission file for any student, and I DEFINITELY don't see the whole pile of files that go into committee. I simply don't know what anyone's chances are.</p>

<p>This is a good idea; I'd like to see more results of CC people's predictions. </p>

<p>It depends on the prestige of your school, the mood of the adcom, the interviews, the essays, and myriad other factors... but judging by what I see, I'd say waitlisted.</p>

<p>Chances threads are flawed in general, since posters leave out important parts of their applications such as essays. Maybe they should change the names to "Please look at my stats" or something.</p>

<p>Haha yeah. On paper he doesn't look that strong, but anything can happen in college admissions. Maybe Harvard wanted more British speaking English people.</p>

<p>don't partake in chances threads but unless essays and recs were a real problem, it is difficult to believe that this kid was not accepted</p>

<p>accademics - excellent - qualifies for advanced standing at Harvard based on AP results after junior year</p>

<p>ec's - fall sport/winter musical/spring sport - kid was busy all school year 5-6 days a week - all southwest shows excellence in at least one - plus some others</p>

<p>awards - obviously only the highlights as AP scholar with distinction (achieved by Junior year) not mentioned</p>

<p>plus a "passion"</p>

<p>Whatever Harvard did or did not do, with the passion for climbing and all, kid sounds perfect for Dartmouth</p>

<p>Actually, I disagree with the fact that we should refrain from posting on chances threads. I have personally found them very constructive as they helped me focus on my activities, and my passions. It is very important to understand where you stand, particularly in terms of SATs and grades.</p>

<p>The problem with chances threads is that you can't ever say anyone is certain to get in. I could say someone's chances are 1 in 4 instead of 1 in 10. (That 1 in 4 is about what I estimate my son's chances to be based on school acceptance history.) But what will make or break most applications isn't what is posted here. It's the essays, the recommendations and the total picture the applicant presents.</p>

<p>Odyssey, if that kid seemed like a sure shot to you, then I must've been as well. Only thing is I wasn't accepted either, which is why I'm guessing he wasn't as well. Still, anything can happen.</p>

<p>I agree with mathmom. Most of the time you can classify only to reach, far reach, match etc...</p>

<p>I bet he was accepted. I suspect the OP is trying to make a point by showing us an average white guy who is well rounded, thinking that we will rip him apart for not standing out in the competitive applicant pool. Then after enough people have criticized him, the OP will come back and tell us that the kid is a member of Harvard Class of '09 and that chances threads are a waste of time.</p>

<p>If I saw this in a real chances thread, I would probably predict a rejection.</p>

The problem with chances threads is that you can't ever say anyone is certain to get in.


True, yet how does that limit chances threads? Does it make any difference if one of the posters at a chances thread says that you won't get in and eventually you do? Nope. Que sera sera. So, in spite of the fact that essays, recommendations and interviews are indeed missing, all the rest is evaluated, and SAT scores, GPA and extracurriculars are crucial for an application. To me, it does not make any difference whether or not a chances thread is completely accurate, as long as it is critical enough..IMO.</p>


<p>1) I don't believe H-bomber has said yet whether or not the kid in question was accepted or not</p>

<p>2) and sorry, but I do not believe your stats profile matches up with that of the candidate described above. My guess is that you would have a reasonable chance to get in, but would not be suprised if you didn't. </p>

<p>3) ^ one of the reasons I try to avoid chances threads. This one in concept is different in that the candidate in question supposedly is already at least part way through college - so there are no feelings to hurt and in theory this is some sort of test of prediction accuracy.</p>


<p>I was kind of thinking the opposite. I don't see "well rounded" at all. I see exceptional and unique in many ways. ...so I was figuring that OP would come back and say he didn't get in. :)</p>

<p>Why would we rip him apart as a white, "well-rounded" applicant?
Tons of kids are just like that when they get into Harvard, and they comprise a significantly large portion of the application and admission pool.</p>

<p>so, did he get into harvard?</p>

<p>Sorry about the wait guys, I'm in the middle of finals so I've been sporadic in my posts. Yes, not only did he (white and WASPy, for the record) get into Harvard early, he also got into Princeton and received advance notice from Yale in January (given to their top 100 applicants).</p>

<p>Take what you will from that.</p>