Texas A&M admitted students for the Class of 2027

@Jcb1 roommate matching is Phase 3. When it comes time to select dorms, it’s based on the highest selection time (if going in with a roomie).
Bummer the friend didn’t pay Housing when admitted…

ur a life saver

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DS received a corps scholarship (whoop!). It said it might be replaced in the future by a higher scholarship, resulting in the current one being withdrawn/replaced with the higher value scholarship. So, here is the question: Do we click on the “Begin Processing” button? We would like to have the scholarship but obviously don’t want to do anything to mess up a potentially higher value one in the future. We don’t really understand how this works. Thank you!!


Just checked Howdy and the twins each got $1000 Tuition Support Grant from TAMU…every little bit helps lol


@dawn3 student needs to ‘accept’ it.
A&M doesn’t stack certain scholarships. If he does receive a better one, the university will automatically adjust it.


@Momof3B haven’t heard of that award/grant.
Congrats!! :+1:t3::+1:t3:


I’m assuming it’s based on FAFSA and the fact that we’ll have 3 in college at the same time :tired_face::grimacing:


@Momof3B yes, appears so, and part of Aggie Assurance. Love to see this!! Double Whoop!!


@JayJay_17 soooo many Instagram pages.
Here’s one just for Engineering.
Make sure you’re checking Howdy & TAMU.edu daily, or at least every other day-daily for sure starting after spring break. All information goes to you, the student, nothing to parents. Closer to April & May, you’ll be getting tons of links, forms, checklists, etc. Super important to stay on top of/ahead of things.
If A&M is your choice for the fall, be sure to register for NSC (New Student Conference)-that’s formally ‘accepting’ A&M. Parent(s) and student attend NSC; there are multiple sessions during the summer. Don’t book a session until you’ve graduated, had prom-just too much going on! Finish high school, then forge ahead to college!

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Question about todays financial aid update: is the initial offer based on the FAFSA? My daughter is a national recognition scholar (Hispanic & rural). Do those scholarships come later? She’s my first child to go to college & things are VERY different than when I went to undergrad 30 years ago! Appreciate y’all!

@msmoore131 can’t answer your specific question, but did your student submit FAFSA?

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Yes we did!


My son’s FA portal is not showing the Natl Hispanic Scholar scholarship. It’s based on funds availability. His admissions recruiter was going to find out what that is based on, but she was assuming it was based on when the admissions application was submitted.

We did not submit a FAFSA until a couple of days ago. We were told by FA in November that merit isn’t based on need so we didn’t submit to TAMU. Our admissions recruiter confirmed that as well yesterday, but we submitted late because we are second-guessing ourselves. Not sure what to think… Good luck!

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My daughter checked her financial aid portal and the National Recognition scholarship was there!


Is there any chance to receive a stackable scholarship on top of PES ($3000) to bring it to $4000 to get in-state tuition waiver for a OOS?

@Topgolf A&M doesn’t stack Academic scholarships (which is what PES is). There’s a chance student could get an Opportunity Award, departmental, Corps scholarship, etc, tho departmental usually don’t come until sophomore/junior/senior years.
OOS Maroon Merit Scholarship doesn’t stack either.
A&M isn’t known for easily giving out in-state tuition to OOS.

@tgd @mrsmoore131 The national recognition scholarships normally would be in their awards in the financial aid portal by now. Starting this year that scholarship is no longer automatic and no longer guaranteed for new students. My daughters class (class of 2026) was the last class that was automatic and guaranteed for. Your student may or may not actually receive that scholarship. The national merit scholarship corporation scholarships are still automatic.


@52AG82 Thank you very much. This is helpful to see. One more question please - if the student gets the departmental scholarship in Sophomore/Junior year, would they then qualify for in-state tuition or do they have to qualify for it in freshman year to be applicable to all four years?

@Topgolf not positive on this, but I think they could qualify any year, as long as they are awarded an additional scholarship? Many departmental scholarships are $500-1,000, one year only, some longer/more. It’s a crap shoot, no guarantee. Since Engineering is so huge, I’d guess a 4.0 is needed + extra activities/leadership, and even then I’m assuming departmental awards are hard to come by.
Definitely ask FinAid for clarification.

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Thank you, that’s helpful

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