Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Just wanted to add that every school has their own quirks on calculating gpa. For example, at my sons’ HS, DC classes are not included in any gpa calculations. So if tamu was to check/calculate gpa based on srar classes/grades entered, the calculated value definitely would not be the same as what was entered (because DC classes aren’t included in gpa for our HS)

In earlier talks regarding this topic, it was suggested that Tamu knows the basis of how each HS calculates gpa (includes DC or not, includes a covid semester or not, etc). Curious to hear what admissions instructs you to do

All the reasons y’all are speaking of regarding different gpa calculations is the main reason they use class rank to rank you amongst your peers with the same access to the same classes and requirements.

Put in your grades as it is in the high school transcript. Don’t deviate. Don’t guess.


Yes, please make sure to also upload the certificate in AIS.

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Congratulations on your accomplishment!

First TAMU only consider unweighted GPA. Report all your grades from both schools and they will calculate the GPA. Even though transcript is optional for non-auto, still submit both school transcripts. If your current high school ranks you Q2 (printed on transcript), chances of changing the rank by combining freshmen rank is not high. But you can mention your situation in your essays.

Depends on the major you are applying, getting a higher SAT scores will be crucial to your application. Do not go test optional. Submit a detail resume and all awards or certificates in AIS.

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The SRAR for TAMU changed in the last two years, they do recognize different types of courses level via “Level/Proficiency” including Dual Enrollment and Dual credit.

Report all courses according to the type and the actual grade received.

TAMU created a long list of videos for SRAR process. The link is on the page

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Actually, when my son entered his SRAR two years ago, he also indicated the proper course level for each class (AP, DC, standard, etc). He also entered his weighted/unweighted gpa exactly as was on his transcript even though his HS did NOT include DC classes in gpa calculations. In other words, he did not recalculate his gpa to include DC classes.

Yes, I looked at the list of videos and I don’t see anything encouraging someone to recalculate their gpa.


@Maren_Emmerson I’m also in KISD. You can explain being at boarding school in your essay, but your grades/gpa/rank will stay on your overall KISD transcript. Depending on which high school, I don’t think a 4.1 will be Top Ten% at any of them, definitely not any south of I-10.
What major are you applying for?
Hopefully you are studying big time for SAT prep daily, and have you taken ACT? A high score on either would help, but without Top 10%, you will need to find strong back up schools to apply to.
Having a sibling at TAMU is great, but there won’t be legacy consideration.
Attending Aggieland Saturday and official campus tours are said to be noted with Admissions, so that’s good. Attending football games won’t matter.
I would suggest having a teacher or educational coach proof your essay and application before you submit.

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I recently commented asking about whether or not I should submit my test score. However, I know as a TO applicant that it would take longer for me to get a response back. Should I really apply test optional? (ACT:21/SAT:1010). I’m retaking the ACT next week and retaking the SAT Aug. 27th. Is it possible for me to submit the scores I already have and then send in the new scores I intend to receive to show improvement and growth?

@kimseokjin1 have you already had those scores sent to TAMU, via College Board?
What majors are you applying for?
What is your class rank & gpa?
@ChristiR93 and @FriscoDad are the experts, but I don’t think I’d submit either of your current scores.

I agree, I would not submit. Really study hard for upcoming tests. Good luck.


ACT and SAT are very different. SAT is more time crunch. Both have a lot of strategies.

By now it will take a lot of time right now to prepare both tests. Download the online free tests and try both, based on the score then spend the effort and target only one of them.

Personal opinion, if your goal is STEM (I remember you mentioned Biology). ACT is a better route as you have a chance to show your science knowledge.


A 21 on the ACT converts to a 1060-1090 on the SAT.


So going test optional would be the smartest option? Thought that only helped auto admits

My school does not rank and my GPA is a 3.95 weighted. Like friscodad said, i’m applying as a bio major :slight_smile:

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Test optional is not ideal. Not now. Back in 2020 yes but even last year it hurt some kiddos.

You can also try the residual ACT at Tamu. Look into it.

Hopefully Tamu will also rank you in top quarter.

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Test optional will be better-IMO-vs submitting 1010 SAT/21 ACT. Biology is a competitive major, so your gpa will look much better than low test scores.
Last year, we saw several Bio majors, with much higher test scores, only get offered PSA.

Do you have to declare test optional at time of app? If not then hopefully submit next round of scores. :woman_shrugging:t2:

No idea? Tests were required in 2019.

When my S21 was applying, there wasn’t really a declaration for test optional, you either submitted or didn’t….on AIS where it showed all the green check marks there was another box for Optional Documents and test scores were one them…if you didn’t send in test scores by Dec 1 (or whatever the cutoff date was that year) then the red X stayed…I’m betting if text scores were submitted before the cutoff date it would change to a green check and be accepted/considered?


This would make the most sense. Thank you!! I’m glad you don’t have to “declare” it. I was thinking last year some parents used that word. I’m very literal lol.

Thank you for the info!

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