Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thank you so much!! this really helped. Now I know what to do until I get my new set of scores :slight_smile:


and @ChristiR93 - It has been advised in this forum to complete all essays in the Go Apply Texas application. I know Essay A and the short answer ones are required. Will there be a place to complete Essay B and C inside the application for TAMU? The screenshot of a previous person showed Essay A with a green checkmark in AIS and not Essay B or C. My DS is typing away on the prompts to have them ready to submit from a hotel room during packed training days the first week of August.

Essay A is required in Apply Texas and Common App. Apply Texas has no extra prompt for B and C.

B and C are optional. Here are the essay tips from TAMU
They do mention student can also upload essays via AIS.

For auto-admit or high scoring students, Essay A alone is good enough. In last admission cycle, the AO did review all submitted material in second review. Because the three essays refer student’s past, present and future, if student has something extra to tell (about present and future) it won’t hurt to submit.

“They do mention student can also upload essays via AIS” thank you! This answered my question.

When my son was applying for Fall 2021, there was only Essay A…no other additional prompts.

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We didn’t submit any awards or certificates in the AIS. It never occured to us to do this. I will keep this in mind for Child #2. My daughter was admitted with scholarships so it didn’t hurt her but I’m going to keep this in mind for my second when he applies.


Hi, so sorry for the late reply! I believe @FriscoDad has replied and given the information but please let me know if you still need any of it and I would be more than happy to help!

When you say “high scoring” does a 1410 SAT with a Q1 rank count? Obviously my son will want to put his best foot forward, but writing is not his strong suit and spending lots of time on “extra” essays may not actually help him.

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1410 is pretty good. Essay A will be good enough If Q1 close to top 10% should be ok for General Engineering (all engineering will go through Freshmen ETAM year). Make sure application completed before their engineering priority deadline.
Go to TAMU engineering and search for the targeting major degree plan, it generally requires 8 credit hours of Chemistry and 3 credit hours of Physic (similar to AP Physics 1), and 6 hours of Calculus.

A few years back, there was a separate essay required (in addition to Essay A) for applicants who had engineering as either their first or second choice major. Is this still a thing, @FriscoDad? If so, I can give the essay prompt from back then (2018), if helpful.

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Looking for thoughts on chances and see if anyone had recommendations on what to focus on. My daughter has 1510 SAT and top 11% (fell out of top 10% because of medical issue last semester) and wants Mays. I am hoping her chances are still good?


chances are excellent. Apply early august. Strong essay and explain medical issue but assuming good course rigor, she should be just fine!


Is there a hard cap on OOS students?
Also, all OOS admission decisions are holistic and there is no real advantage to applying early based on my reading of the website. Can someone confirm?

@1dadinNC the only time it doesn’t matter about applying early, is for Parking (it’s a true lottery draw)… Otherwise ALWAYS apply early, register when things open, add Sports Pass to cart early, etc.
Example-Mays Business only accepts a small number (I think it’ll be 1,150ish-exact number listed on website). When it’s full-usually October-it’s full.
Dorm selection is based on time stamp housing deposit is paid. Those that get earliest acceptance, get to pay housing deposit first.
It never pays to wait for anything at TAMU.


So now that I’ve been studying the programs a little more closely, I’m thinking a BA Computing may be the way to go for him. It’s in the COE but doesn’t require ETAM…specifically it avoids all that Chemistry I think he would hate.

Is there any way to see how many applicants they had to Computing last year?


As @52AG82 said, if holistic, apply early. If you’re top 10% and want Mays, apply early. If you don’t care when you hear back, then apply by Dec 1st and hope for the best. May not hear til March.

The website can say all it wants, check out the prior year threads on here and you’ll see.

Keep us posted.


Yes, Engineering still requires a separate essay. Also another one required if applying Engineering honor.

Hallelujah! TAMU Admissions Webpage FINALLY updated to show they now accept Common App!!! I had one of the boys search on the common app website and TAMU College Station isn’t showing yet, only Commerce, but I’m sure that will up and running by Aug 1…so glad my twins don’t have to go through Apply Texas now…all of their schools are on one platform!



Just came here because today’s email from CC said that A&M and Texas are in the common app… But still no indication of that on Common App… and A&M has it on their website… but still not on Common App. C’mon A&M… Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal nor do we tolerate those who do! :sweat_smile: :woman_shrugging:

So funny - we were posting about this at the same time. D23 is trying her hardest to get all her ducks in a row for August and we’re annoyed by A&M & Texas dragging their feet on this.

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