Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

100% agree!!!

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Looking for any advice or tips for what I should do going forward.

  • Residency: Out of State, lived in texas previously for 10 years, no high school though.
  • GPA: cumulative 3.4
  • Class Rank: Top 30%
  • ACT: 29, the breakdown was Math 26, Science 34, English 27, Reading 30
  • Extracurriculars:
    • A few dozen hours volunteering at a local hospital

I moved almost every semester during high school which made it very difficult for me to keep consistent grades or gain any long-term extracurriculars. In my last semester, I had a 3.83 and I plan on retaking the ACT to get a higher score but the soonest test date isn’t until September 10th. Would it be worth waiting until mid-september for a better score or is applying early best? Also wondering if I should wait so I can include my 1st quarter grades which might help show an upward trend in GPA.

Hi Alex, so they won’t look at current grades so no need to wait on that, but you moving around a lot during HS would be a great essay topic. It shows your ability to be uncomfortable, adapt and provides you with different perspectives. It is also a great explanation of how grades may have suffered from it but that you have improved over the past few semesters (is your upward trend). The prompt is perfect for your story.

I wouldn’t wait for new scores, I would submit and then submit the new scores as well. You won’t hear til after December most likely for a decision, so you have time but I wouldn’t wait to apply. Just continue to submit optional info as it comes in.

What major???

Best of luck and keep us posted.

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Thanks for the response, probably majoring in something like biochem. From what I’ve read it seems A&M is more accepting of oos students then other colleges in Texas, do you think that’s the case?

More so than the university of Texas but not sure about the rest.

In the last cycle, around 80 admitted.
BA Computing has similar degree plan as CS with CS requiring 6 more credit hours. In fact, students can pick electives that matches CS. The only issue will be priority. Classes listed in CS degree under “Computer Science Electives” will have priority in registration. If you check BA Computing degree plan, it is replaced with “Concentration Electives”.

BA computing doesn’t go through ETAM, it is up to the students to pick the tough courses. One thing you may notice they put BA Computing students through Data Structure in Sophomore year without requiring “Discrete Math”. It is can be tough for students not ready for data structure programming. So note that degree is only for reference, student may need to adjust the schedule or prepare for what’s to study ahead of the semester.

Texas A&M University is home to more than 70000 students engaged in over 200 fields of study. View our resources, application requirements and more!

It will show August 1st when COMMON Ap updates.

There has been much discussion about the advantages of applying early, preferably in August. My S23 will be applying early action to the College of Engineering. In an attempt to clarify the need for an early application, I emailed TAMU admissions and received the following reply. I’m wondering what others make of it, and if this is a change in the process from prior years.

Thank you for contacting Aggie One Stop!

Texas A&M does not have rolling admissions. There is no impact on a student’s admissions decision timeframe based on date that their application is submitted.

For early action applicants to the College of Engineering, having a complete application by the deadline guarantees being reviewed in the first round of reviews, but does not guarantee a decision on their application. They can receive one of two communications by late December; either an admittance or a deferral to the second review which takes place after the new year.

Students who miss the early action deadline are no less competitive than students who completed their application by that deadline.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

That has always been their reply. Majors fill up and are first come basis. They don’t hold apps til December 15th and then start rolling out admissions. Top 10% gear in September typically. High scorers and overall solid kiddos hear October/November/December. Then in January/February, late applicants and lower scoring lower ranked kiddos start to hear something.

COE is a little different since there are so many avenues into the program. Still best to get it in early and definitely before Oct 15th.


Does anyone know the prompts for the supplemental essays? Will there be a question on diversity and leadership like in years past? I wanted to clarify.

Also, do we have the prompts for University Honors or Engineering Honors?

Thank you!

Texas auto-admit law can make official TAMU response quite confusing. Everything stated in the response is true - for all auto-admit students.

Roughly 40% of freshmen Engineering admits are auto-admit. So for auto-admit, applying time , essays, ECs, even scores… don’t really matter. Engineering has ETAM year to do real sorting of talents so for most auto-admit, all they do is verifying official high school transcript to confirm the auto-admit status.

The rest (60% or about 7000-8000) applicants will try to get an edge on every aspects of the process.

There is a reason why TAMU won’t call their admission “rolling”. It is more like hybrid. For high scoring and auto-admit, it behaves like rolling. The rest go through first and second review (mentioned in your response) is definitely not rolling as they tally all applicants.


@Culbreath besides what @ChristiR93 said, it definitely pays to apply early, if student wants to live on campus. Dorm selection (which is highly competitive) is based solely on time stamp Housing deposit is paid. So those who apply early and get accepted in the 1st wave, have 1st dibs at paying Housing deposit.
Dorm selection doesn’t take place until mid-late April, but it all rolls back to the Housing time stamp, to get the coveted best dorm selection date/time.
Honestly, it just never pays to wait to do anything at TAMU. It’s a gigantic university, and everything fills up FAST.


Essay prompt for engineering honors.

Describe the benefits of participating in undergraduate research and specific research topics the student has interest in exploring.

The rest of the prompts are in message 174 above

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Thank you so much!

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Two major changes to Blinn Team and University Studies. Thanks to a Blinn Team student sharing the information. It seems to indicate it will even affect this admission cycle enrolling in this coming Fall.

  1. TAP is now part of the new College of Arts and Science
  2. University Studies concentrations in Business, Child Professional Studies, Global Arts Planning, Design, and Construction, and Leadership Studies. These concentrations will not be available to new students.

Full letter below


@FriscoDad i have read some about the mass changes in the new ‘plan’, but it was so long I didn’t catch it all. So I guess they’re doing away with those particular US programs? Interesting…

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Auto admits are for all majors except engineering, correct? If so, what about competitive majors like VIZ?

I have a nephew applying for business this year and he’s around top 20% with 1330 SAT. Another nephew is enrolling in business and was top 10%, no SAT. Another is ETAM and will take an extra semester due to pre-calc.

With ETAM, TAMU Engineering still take auto-admit as the ETAM can filter (or better say “sort”) the students to their majors after freshmen year. The accountability report shows TAMU admitted 100% auto in Engineering.

Viz still auto up to last cycle and review-admit was nearly impossible. When more auto-admit students applying they just have to shrink the auto-admit percentage. This coming cycle Viz is under a new school “School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts”. In the past it was under Architecture.

Your top 10% student should be safe even without SAT (note the student will need to take TSI or residual ACT after admitted so it may be less hassle to take at least the school SAT). ETAM taking extra semester is very common. The student in top 20% may gear towards Blinn or try to take another SAT to see if scores improve (1330 to 1400 is just 2-3 more correct answers in each section).