Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

I hope you hear by year end. Pretty good stats. Love the ECs that’ll look good. What state do live in and do y’all have many students from your school apply/attend Tamu… if you know?

Act is solid but not strong in comparison to what we are seeing nowadays get in. 32 plus is not even a guarantee any more.

Will they be opposed to retaking it? It SAT?

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@MauiMom23 see reply above to you :arrow_up:

Oh oops. Thank you :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Same! Have you heard when Naviance will be up and running? our counselors don’t know?!

How do they already have your daughter’s class rank? My son’s still has an X. I thought they got that from the SRAR.

We got an email saying don’t email them anymore so :woman_shrugging: Frustrating as heck.

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Auto admit applicant needs to submit official high school transcript. Our high school uses Parchment and my daughter submitted back in June. SRAR data completed and locked in June as well and linked last night.


Does anyone know what percentage of mays admits are top 10% vs holistic review candidates?

My daughter is submitting her app on Aug 17th when her SAT score is released - we completed the SRAR but still working on supplemental essays - do we submit the SRAR now or wait until after submitting application?

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How long does it take from SRAR link to get rank posted?

Also Aggie Mom, l have read your forum through 2 aggie kiddos, praying for 3rd kiddo to be an aggie! If no one has said thank you here it is….THANK YOU, you are the best!


There is no need to wait. Just double check to make sure SRAR data is correct before locking and submitting.

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Mays Business ->First time Undergraduate @ College Station



Awe that’s so kind. I appreciate. And 3rd time for you will be easy Breezy. You’ll be able to help so many on here with your past experiences.


Well that is super helpful. Thank you!

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@FriscoDad you are remarkable, with your charts, graphs, stats & %! :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Your daughter is way ahead. Just remember to file FAFSA early in October. The revamped Aggie Assurance program will award all Aggies with TTSA for families with income less than 130K.

Also apply Engineering Honors (a separate TAMU application) application


This is amazing. Thanks!
Will you by any chance have any more breakdown for holistic review ones like rank quartile; sat/act score or gpa

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If not including auto-amit, among Mays’ review applicants, 96% (or 3769 out of 3926 applicants)were assigned first quartile in last admission cycle.

Due to auto-admit law, there is no “review only” data for SAT/ACT range. The combined range is not recommended because auto-admit applicants have no incentive to prepare or even take the SAT/ACT unless they aim for scholarships. Last few years in this forum, review admits gained acceptance have greater than 1350 SAT with balanced scores among RW/M.

Many college advising web sites showing TAMU average admission GPA is 3.68. That figure is basically useless. Each high school have different grading policy. The rank is far more important. TAMU have a different standard to rank students from unranked high school or homeschool and TAMU will assign rank for those students in AIS.


“1688 have applied so far!“

Posted 8/5 at 5pm

This chart is definitely helpful. The 3926 review that show as applied…is that simply the number of applicants that applied to Mays as their first choice major?

And for those that didn’t get into Mays, did many of these get a different major simply because Mays was full or did none of these get into the university at all?

My understanding is you really aren’t reviewed by Mays at all but reviewed to get into A&M (ie if there is space but you undergo same review and have the same bar as all the other majors combined except Engineering). In this case, if true, it isn’t that Mays is selective per se but more a case of the school filling up with early admits (ie not holistic Mays review like McCombs).

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