Texas A&M Class of 2028 Official Thread

He will not or should not accept any AP credit til he meets with advisor.

I know that’s not the question lol but just wanted to say that. 70 hours gives him no wiggle room for class schedules.

Edited to rephrase… if he has to have certain hours per semester for scholarships or FA, he may not be able to get that if he has nothing left to take and then have prereqs for upper level courses. Hope that makes sense.


Thank you! Yes, I’ve heard there are certain parameters in place that makes accepting AP credits a tactical exercise. Appreciate the heads up on that.

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@YakkityYak great stats!

As of this current freshman class, National Recognition is no longer guaranteed a scholarship at A&M. NM Commended doesn’t qualify for any scholarships.

I’m next to positive the ‘big’ scholarships- President’s Endowed, Nat Recognition, Century Scholars, etc-start rolling out in February.

Students are notified if they’ve been offered a scholarship/award by email, but sometimes scholarship/awards will appear in Howdy portal (under FinAid tab) prior to email notification.
If a student has been offered something, they must go into the FinAid tab and ‘accept’ it. I know for certain PES (Pres Endowed) has a deadline to accept, and I bet others do also. Starting Feb 1, it’ll be a good habit for student to start checking Howdy and TAMU.edu email on a weekly basis; daily basis from mid April on. All communication goes to the student.

Be sure to submit FAFSA, whether you qualify or not. Many of the scholarships-including merit based-require FAFSA to be on file.

Unless NM S/F or need based, scholarships are tough to get as incoming freshman. Your son does stand a chance with National Recognition tho.
TAMU also doesn’t stack Academic scholarships.

Definitely listen to @ChristiR93 - do not accept any AP credits until meeting with advisor! Be sure he applies for Engineering Honors, also.


Financial offer usually come in Feb or March. After students completed FAFSA in the Fall.

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Can anybody specifically speak to Out of State “high achiever” Engineering acceptance timeline that “has been through the process” and not heard 2nd hand thanks.

Also posted in the Engineering and Acceptance threads.

@jimdlt1 posted on a well known college/career guidance counselor page from Houston. She’s a guru.

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Thanks. However, OOS Engineering applicants have already started getting their admittance. That’s why I posted the ask.

You will not find definitive answers, especially for OOS/holistic.

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She has so much good info on her page, but the emojis and caps are distracting! I feel like it’s written by a grandma who just found facebook. :grimacing:

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@austinmomlv hilarious & true! :joy:
But she does know her stuff & stats!


My son saw on the Howdy portal on Tuesday that he was accepted into the College of Engineering. He is out of state.


@jimdlt1 is your son updating/refreshing his Howdy portal every couple of days? A&M doesn’t super score ACT/SAT, but I’d assume highest score is still in 1500s? If he’s got all :white_check_mark: and needed math classes, it doesn’t make sense he hasn’t been admitted for Engineering review yet, when other OOS have (with lower scores/stats).
Hopefully tomorrow, or at least Oct 1! :crossed_fingers:t3:

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I think my daughters national recognition award appeared in January or February. That is when most of the incoming freshman scholarships appear in the financial aid portal. As a returning student scholarships appear much later. My daughter is a sophomore now and her scholarships didn’t appear until July and august! We had to set up a payment plan because even though she received the email about them in July they didn’t all fund in her account until after tuition was due. As a returning student for sophomore year in addition to her national recognition award, She did get a generous scholarship from the school of performance, visualization, and fine arts ($2000) and from her major, visualization ($750). Her degree program has a separate lengthy scholarship app requiring 3 letters of recommendation for returning students in the spring. But it paid off.


Refreshing Howdy constantly. One item to mention my son did NOT apply for Cadet Corps, but yes stats are promising. We shall see…

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@jimdlt1 not showing interest in the Corps won’t have any factor on admission.
You mentioned a local recruiter. Has your son been in touch with them recently? (I don’t know how that works, we only live an hour from campus).

The local recruiter is saying the same on this forum. Keep refreshing Howdy and stand by for the Tues/Thurs 12 noon acceptance dumps.

Did anyone get tabs today?

Not yet.

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Is it possible to get tabs in the middle of the day or does it only happen in the morning?

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