Texas A&M Class of 2028 Official Thread

My ds’s shows the same thing on the Overview so here’s hoping they both see engineering tomorrow morning.


I’m with you. Same here @Aggie97SA :+1:

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In the My dashboard tab for my daughter i can see the below screen shot. Does it mean she got admitted in Mays business school?

Her status in AIS still shows as “My App Is Complete And In Review”


Yes! BUAD is what all Mays student enter as (they don’t declare specific major until after soph/fall of junior year).

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Just checked and 7 tabs!

Thank the Lord! My son hated all his back up plans. I am sooooooo relieved.


Congrats! FYI mays doesn’t review applications like engineering. Once it shows Mays, you’re in.


Thanks for confirming . I am so relieved.


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Good to see some holistic people are starting to get in. Congrats y’all

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New to college confidential, can you please tag me on Engineering thread? THANK YOU!


Done :+1:t3:

I never thought “Getting 7 Tabs” and “You are in the Directory” would be so exciting, and I just heard we get a Texas A&M Banner in the mail. That will hang next to our American Flag over the garage. :+1:

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‘Banner’ (trifold cardstock) will be a version of this-I think wording & graphics change slightly every year.

Google image, no clue who these young ladies are


Hi first time at CC and first time posting/asking questions. My son is applying as OOS and I have couple questions as I found some information confusing to me

  1. on TAMU website, it is said only essay A is reviewed and no addditional essays will be reviewed. But the common app shows three required essays with the asterisk. How many essays are indeeded needed?
  2. about LOR, on TAMU website, it is said the LOR could be uploaded on AIS. But my son sent recommendation invitation to his counselor and teachers on common app. He also waived his right. So how will his teachers submit their letters? Are they receiving an email with instruction to upload to common app or AIS? If it is AIS, does it mean that my son has to submit his application and set up an AIS account, then his teachers can submit LOR?
    He is our oldest child and we had no prior experience with college application. He is a NMSF, 1570SAT first try, 4.0 unweighted GAP, plays sport at national level, took 6AP exams all with scores of 5, taking 6 AP classes in Senior year, more than 100 volunteer hours. We hope he can compete for the Brown scholar, but would like to do the application right. Thank you!
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I’m curious if anyone has anyone seen where a kid got all 7 tabs and moved to “general engineering” status in dashboard and was not admitted to university or to engineering? Honestly, kinda wish this information was not out there because I’m afraid it may cause false hope for my kiddo. He’s holistic and is convinced he’s in based on what friends are saying based on parents reading forums. I told him when his status moves to “accepted” then he can stop looking at other schools. :slight_smile:

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Never. Once you get the 7 tabs and then also see it on your dashboard, you are definitely in. Party on.


7 Tabs and listed in the A&M Directory, YOU ARE IN! Celebrate

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I know of only one instance where someone got 7 tabs and wasn’t accepted quickly. That person posted earlier this year about their kid submitting an application, having AIS say their kid was in the top 10%, getting the 7 tabs, and reverting back to 3 tabs after AIS updated to say their kid was in the top 25%. That was a really weird situation and I’ve never seen it happen before, so it is extremely unlikely that your kid is not accepted with 7 tabs at this point.

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In the directory I find when I search for it, my kid is only in there with his name and no other info. It looks exactly the same as it did before he was admitted to Mays. Is there a different directory somewhere?

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