Texas A&M Class of 2028 Official Thread

Thank you! Sorry for the late response, took me a while to find the thread, still learning :slight_smile:
I have a separate question, My son is top in his class. We are OOS and the school is not ranked, but rumor has it that he ranked no. 1. straight A, majority classes are AP or hornors, but he only got a 1st quarter rank. is this typical practice for OOS non ranking school? or is there any misunderstanding in the info we submitted. Should we contact admission to further exaplain? I am concerned with the 25% assinged ranking. The only thing I can think of is that he does not have A+ on all his classes. The reason is that in our school, A-, A, A+ all have the same GPA 4.0, some teachers do not give A+ at all, some do give, some give A+ only when you get more than 100%, my son is definitely getting top scores in every single class. Thank you!

Thank you. So the AP scores do not play any role in admission decision?

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No, you can check the AIS checklist on the portal, because that is everything he needs in his application.

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If your student’s high school counselor can have something in writing indicate the high rank that will help.
But I think your student’s very high scores and NMSF should be more than enough for admission.
Good Luck!

Thank you! Normaly, the counselor would put the top GPA on school report as well as some sort of grade distribution there. But this information is not available to students. We noticed that his counselor hasn’t submitted school report and her recommendation on my son’s common app yet. I will keep checking the tabs next few weeks. Thanks again!

Howdy! Hopefully y’all can help us make sense of what’s going on with our son’s application status. He applied for engineering the first week in August, checking the box that he’s ok with Blinn Team and Galveston, but NOT checking that Galveston is the priority over CS. Because several people mentioned applying separately to Galveston, he did that too, the week later. On Wednesday his Howdy portal showed 7 tabs, and lots of the new links are for Galveston. His overview is the linked picture, showing he’s been switched into general Engineering there (which he’s really happy about), but it also says that his campus is CS. The issue is that neither the “manage applications” tab or AIS, show accepted (although the Galveston tab in AIS has also switched to general engineering). Is he accepted to Galveston and/or engineering or not? Nothing ever showed “engineering review.” Also, will he still be considered for engineering in CS, or is he already “placed?” We’re confused! Thanks for any help!

It looks like your son has been admitted to TAMU (Galveston campus) based on his direct application to Galveston. This has no bearing on your application to TAMU CS. That will still be evaluated, and based on that, your son will get a separate admission decision.

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Thanks for the response! Do you think it also means he’s accepted into engineering in Galveston? The dean in Galveston (at the Sea Aggie weekend) said that Galveston has no say in the engineering review, because that’s all done in CS. That’s part of what makes this confusing!

Yes, your son has already been accepted into engineering at Galveston. I agree that it is confusing. Galveston and CS are technically the same school, but you can apply to Galveston separately and I think most of the people that do that are interested in the majors they offer at Galveston but not at CS, such as the marine related degrees. I think most of the freshman engineering students at Galveston (based upon my sophomore son’s experience) applied directly to CS but they only have so many spots at CS, so they send a few hundred to Galveston for their first year. This is the group that the Galveston dean was probably talking about when he said they have no say in engineering review.
Your son could still get an acceptance from TAMU CS and it could be for admission to general engineering at CS, Galveston, or Team Blinn. It is great that your son already has this acceptance at Galveston and I assume (if he chooses that option) he will go through ETAM just like every other first year engineering student. The only real difference is that your son is technically a Galveston student and isn’t automatically expected to move on to CS after his first year. He could ETAM into a major that they have at Galveston and stay there. I think the only engineering programs that both Galveston and CS offer are computer science and maybe interdisciplinary. There may be other overlapping majors, but I’m not aware of them.

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Thanks so much! That’s encouraging! He’s really torn about which campus would be best, since the classes are so small in Galveston, the professors actually talk to the students, and he feels like he can more easily focus on getting the 3.75 GPA required for his 1st choice in ETAM. He’s not completely sure about which major he wants to go for, and also likes several of the ones only at Galveston. So much to think about!

@DancingMom99 i read an article recently about the starting salary of Maritime Business grads, and it was shockingly high! It’s in demand.
I’ve never spoken to anyone that has a bad word to say about TAMUG. It’s definitely a great campus!
The TAMUG yell leaders came to our Aggie Mom club recently. They’re fantastic and love their campus.

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Thanks! That’s what my son heard at the Sea Aggie day, and I was surprised to learn there are Yell Leaders just for Galveston! We’ve spoken about what kinds of engineers are hired to design and work on (cruise) ships, for years, and it’s always interested my son. I really wonder if he’d choose one of the maritime degrees and stay in Galveston?

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I have several sea aggies in my family (one was a galveston yell leader) and the maritime careers out of TAMUG are very lucrative. One of them decided to get a dual degree in College Station - marine bio and BIMS - and going back and forth between campuses was very simple. I think TAMUG is an underappreciated option.



Can an Aggie Parent tell me about “FISH CAMP”? For a boy, well he’s a man now.
We are hearing and reading it is not really worth the “Fly In”, we have a full summer already.
Statements like “a touchy-feely, emotional, kumbaya atmosphere more geared for girls”

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My son enjoyed it. He made some friends there and came back as hoarse as I’d ever heard him (lots of yelling was apparently involved).

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Sounds good, but do you think it’s worth a “fly-in” from Fort Lauderdale FL? Is “Figh Camp” considered a “must do”, like a “don’t miss it” type event?

Yes! Absolute should do it. Impact is also another thing that the kids do. Impact is religious, so maybe not everyone’s cup of tea. Fish Camp is the indoctrination into Aggie Traditions, which is such a huge part of attending A&M.

Not liking the word “indoctrination”. Sounds cultish, am I off base? We are OOS, not Texan. What’s the culture shock value?

@jimdlt1 registration for Fish Camp, Impact, St Mary’s etc won’t start until late April or May, so PLENTY of time to decide.
Some love it, some hate it, there’s no one right answer.