Texas A&M Engineering AND the Corps of Cadets

<p>So, I am attending Texas A&M this fall as a freshman and I have heard that if I want to do the Corps, I should reconsider engineering or not do the Corps. But, I really want to do both but I want to be sure I am successful in college and will keep my grades up. Can anyone tell me from experience is it doable to do both the Corps of Cadets and Engineering and be successful at both? Thanks and Gig 'em!</p>

<p>You will actually probably be more successful if you do both the Corps and the Engineering program. The Corps has many things set in place to ensure that you do well. For example, they have required study time for freshman and sophomore cadets. Junior and Senior cadets are there to help you. If you didn’t do the Corps, you’d be on your own to seek help and study.</p>

<p>They make you maintain a minimum GPA, and you’re often grouped with kids who have the same major as you and are taking the same classes.</p>

<p>Hey SergeantCowboy, I remember corresponding with you earlier, I technically am on Blinn TEAM but I am still taking engineering classes (Calc, ENDG, PHYS, etc.) this next year and can join any outfit so I wrote this under the impression I am full time for the sake of technicality. Anyway, have you decided what outfit you are going to join? I have been looking at 17 because I have a really good friend of mine in that outfit and he’s been telling me a lot about it.</p>

<p>I have a friend who’s going to be doing engineering, corps of cadets, and the marching band. I’m sure its doable but it will definitely require using your time very efficiently</p>

<p>i would think that there are plenty of corp members in engineering.</p>

<p>While I was at the Electrical Engineering Conference a week or two ago I overheard a corps engineering student talking with a parent about your very concern. I only caught bits and pieces of the conversation but he said that the corps gives you ample time to complete assignments and whatnot, and that your grades are very important to them.</p>

<p>Nperry --</p>

<p>I’m also leaning towards Sq. 17 only because that’s the squadron I visited during my JCAP program and they push you to do very well academically and they consistently have some of the best GPAs in the Corps. But I’m looking at a few others. But yeah, it should be a bit easier for you because you are taking the majority of your classes at Blinn – not that they’re easier – but I’ve heard the class sizes are much smaller and the professors are very good too. Plus, you’ll be paying CC tuition which is much cheaper than A&M. PM me if you are still interested in talking outfits.</p>

<p>I spoke with one of the senior staff recruiters, and asked the same question. DS is weighing the same options. He stated that the band practices a couple of hours per day. Remember that they are learning a new show every week. Friday night, they are expected to play at yell practice. Saturdays are pretty full. So Friday and Saturday are not really study days. There are a couple of away games that are going to be a long drive to an SEC school, so driving to Mississippi will take 10-12 hours. These are just the band commitments. My sense is that yes, it is possible, but you will have to be very focused in the fall. If your commitment to the Corps and Engineering are strong, you can be very successful, but you really are committing to both, and probably won’t have a lot of time for anything else. If your commitment and desire are strong, this won’t sound like a sacrifice.</p>

<p>Right, nobody said you’ll have any free time to do anything, haha. The question was ‘is it doable’. And the answer is, yes. But, like you said desilu, you’ll have to work extremely hard and put in many many hours studying with little to no free time (except for the stuff you do in the Corps). The thing is that many students become so involved with the Corps and their traditions that they forget about doing anything else. It’s really pretty awesome.</p>

<p>Ok, well, next question, do you think it would be tough to be a Christian in the corps? Especially in 17? cause I don’t know if you’ve seen this or not:</p>

<p>[Challenger</a> 17 Cadre Whipout 2010 - YouTube](<a href=“Challenger 17 Cadre Whipout 2010 - YouTube”>Challenger 17 Cadre Whipout 2010 - YouTube)</p>

<p>i am not sure what being a christian has to do with the video. being in the corps is tough, christian or not. this is not the only outfit that does stuff like this. this is just part of corps life.</p>

<p>i know a kid who had a horrible first year. probably half or more of his fish buddies quit. i think the outfit also got into trouble for hazing type stuff. the kid i know stuck with it and went through all four years in the corps. he ended up being chaplain of his outfit.</p>

<p>I’m an Aggie Corps Dad. My son was a Corps Fish last year. It IS tough! It IS doable BUT it takes planning & commitment! You MUST master your time! You must NOT get behind in studies…your schedule WILL be that full! DO NOT take more than 1 hard class each semester your Fish year! Each Unit should have a TAMU faculty volunteer as an academic advisor. USE THEM!!! You must learn how to access your and other Units upperclassmen for tutoring (many Units are in the same dorm buildings). In the Fall semester you WILL be broken down to become Corps. Then they will build you into your best! The first few weeks you will beg to quit … but don’t! That first march off the Quad and into Kyle with your family there watching…say no more!!!</p>