Texas A&M Fall 2017 Transfer

Does applying long before the deadline help your chances?
I’m applying close to the deadline, and I’m a bit worried now.

@TobyDammit which major are u applying for?

@strictlyriven Civil Engineering/Math

@TobyDammit You should be fine. Most engineering and business students receive their decision after the deadline.

Has anyone in engineering gotten a decision yet? Electrical, computer engineering, computer science?

So I think this is super weird but I asked admissions about my decision because I applied right when it opened, went into review 1/12 and I still haven’t heard back. They told me to email my department because I should have heard something by now so I did. I emailed the EDUC department and they told me I had been admitted to a different college but it still doesn’t show. Maybe if you are still waiting you can just email your college advisors and they might be able to give you an answer. Good luck to all!

Accepted last week as a biology major. Good luck to everyone

@33ease congrats!! How many credits hours do you have?

@JeyLee I applied with 59 transferable credit hours and will have 71 at the end of the semester

@33ease if you don’t mind me asking, what was your audit gpa?

@joselrnz My audit gpa was a 3.81

Do people that usually submit spring grades get in?? Does anyone know anyone who was denied after spring grades?

Hey so I’m applying OOS as a Poly Sci major with 45 hours and a 3.62 GPA. I checked Howdy today and I have six tabs, which apparently is a good sign, but my application is still under review. Does this mean I’ve been accepted and they just haven’t told me yet since its a Sunday?

hey! i am really confused about the transfer hours…my application is in review right now, but I am a bit worried because i am only a college freshman at another school, so i only have 12 hours (1 full-time semester) completed. will they defer me and ask for my spring grades or flat out deny me and make me reapply once this semester is over and i have 24 hours completed? I am applying to liberal arts with a 4.0

My transfer audit says I have 12 hours completed and 12 hours “TIP” or transfer in progress…so does that equal 24 transferrable credit hours for the liberal arts application requirements or only 12?

@chloeburke I think it is only 12 because on my audit it said 38 completed and transferable with 18 in progress. So in total it’d be 56 but in my application only the 38 were acounted for.

@cmaggie did you hear back from aerospace. My son is also applying for ID, and aerospace as backup.

@lakeconroemom, this is cmaggie mom. He hasn’t heard back. The A&M counselor was very surprised that ID passed him up. He has 3.75 with 52 transfer credits. With the recommended courses complete. What about your son? Have you heard anything? What are his stats?

@wesbest I’ve seen in other threads that it probably means you got in! If that’s the case then congrats! And when I applied for other schools and got accepted, I also got extra tabs :slight_smile:

@lovepink002 from previous threads I’ve seen, most people do get accepted. If i remember I think I only read about maybe two or so not getting in. I think it all depends on well you did during the spring semester and whether if your gpa went up or not.