Texas A&M Fall 2017 Transfer

Any updates on anyone’s application?

Nothing for me yet

I just checked. No changes for me.

I talked to admissions earlier today and they said they won’t be letting transfers know until after the deadline. Which sucks.

I wonder why that is. :frowning: Are you applying for one of the more competitive majors? Posts from past TAMU transfers indicate they start announcing before March, but I guess they could be trying something new. sigh

I’m applying for Psychology. I hope they don’t take to long! I know, I’ve seen that some people hear back before March so I hope that happens! The lady I talked to said they are trying to get transfers to hear back after the deadline or the end of April :-w

That is frustrating. -_- Thanks for the info. though!

Hopefully they’re just saying that so people will leave them alone. That will suck if it’s true

No problem! Hopefully!

@Macarroll I was just wondering why you want to transfer from Baylor. My d got accepted to Baylor and was offered Blinn Team for TAMU, so she has a tough choice to make.

Is anyone considering going to Blinn for the fall semester and TAMU in the spring just in case you get the desision back really late?

just got my acceptance today to liberal arts for international studies!! Good luck to everyone (:

@future_agg7373 Congrats! When you did you apply?

I submitted my app on January 13 and it went under review the 24th!

Well thats good that you heard early! And thanks for sharing!

Anyone else on here applied for Construction Science or College of Architecture?

Of course!! Good luck!!

Just got admitted to college of Libaral Arts as a Communications major!!

@aggie115 Congrats! Mind me asking when you applied?

@kimberlytori I applied 1/5 and went into review on 1/27!