Texas a&m good to internationals?

<p>Hi all! </p>

<p>I will be attending the texas a&m university and majoring in computer engineering. (Woop!) </p>

<p>But i dont know how freindly aggies are to internationals. I mean ive heard they are really friendly and helpful, but ive also heard about how conservative they can be and a tad racist too? </p>

<p>I love Aggieland and the traditions but im an international student and am worried if i will be able to make friends and all. And ive also heard that tamu has a very small percentage of internationals? </p>

<p>I dont know what to think? Will i enjoy my experience at aggieland?</p>

<p>Conservative does not equal racist. That sounds like some kind of weird Austin propaganda! ;). You will be fine.</p>

<p>I agree with Cromette.</p>

<p>I am international student that just enrolled for fall 2013. I have been here for one week and im already loving this place. Go ahead!</p>