Texas A&M help?

<p>So I got my Net ID and everything today
and I logged into my AIS
and it said I'm only on Step 2, but I sent my scores way back in July
Whats that mean?
Any answers appreciated</p>

<p>It means that they don’t have everything they need to begin a review.
On the bottom of the page, there’s a link to DOCUMENTS. That will tell you when they got all the transcripts, essays, etc. and what’s missing</p>

<p>Not to mention the closing date for receiving all documents for spring semester was OCT 15th… you can contact OAR and see what they are willing to do, but unless you are applying for summer or fall 2010, they may not process your application.</p>

<p>No I’m applying for Fall.</p>

<p>Uggh they are so slow
Apparently they have my scores but won’t update my AIS until they’re reviewing my application:(</p>

<p>well if you’re applying for the fall… then you shouldn’t really complain lol, they’re still dealing with reviewing all the spring 2010 applicants, so you might have quite a bit of waiting to do, especially if the deadline is far off… but if your stats are good, then maybe sometime b4 christmas you’ll hear…</p>