Texas A&M Housing Honors

Hey guys,
I’ve applied and been accepted to Texas A&M’s school of Engineering. I have to send in my housing application for priority housing soon and I’m having trouble in deciding whether my first choice is the new Honors Engineering LLC at Mosher Hall or the University Honors Housing in McFadden or Lechner. I’m guaranteed acceptance to University Honors but I won’t know about Engineering Honors until later.

Lechner & McFadden are two beds per room and one bathroom. If I’m in University Honors living there is mandatory.
Mosher Hall is two beds per room but two rooms share one bathroom. So 4 girls sharing the same bathroom. Engineering Honors Housing isn’t mandatory, but I would like to have fellow Engineering Honors students to have people to collaborate with and all of that.

Do any of you have experience with sharing a bathroom with 3 other students, is it as bad as it sounds?
Would I be at a disadvantage in living in a normal Honors community without having fellow Engineering Honors students a door next door?

Thank you!

@ehsstudent17 - My son lived in Lechner two years ago. The Honors dorms were very nice: good sized rooms with a nice bathroom. I can’t remember the exact percentage, but somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of the University Honors students were engineering majors. The Mosher LLC is new so I don’t know how that will affect things. When I was in college, four of us in a suite shared one bathroom with no big problems, but that was four guys (and hot water and flush toilets were new).

How are you automatically in university honors?

@KohliTheBeast I’m a National Hispanic Scholar and when I went to National Scholars Day I talked to the University Honors Manager/Coordinator and he said scholars are auto admits.

When we went to NSC, my son stayed in McFadden dorm and really liked it. He had a roommate and the rooms were large, closet space large, and you didn’t have to loft your bed 100ft in the air and cram your desk under it to have any wall space.
Son is currently in Mosher and does not utilize the LLC at all but his roommate has. His classes keep him super busy that he is literally in his dorm to sleep. Duncan Dining is gross the boys say so they eat at Sabisa a long way away. Chick fil A gives away unsold chicken at the end of the day.
The Mosher rooms are pretty small. Think of a rectangle. On the long walls are the deep bookcase with the shallow bookcase on top, There is literally 36 inches of wall space, then the dresser and then your desk butted up to it. The dresser and desk are under the lofted bed. In his 36" space, son has A 21" mini fridge cart with drawers and the mini fridge sitting on top, a 15" 4 cubbie tall ikea kallax shelving unit. With the lofted bed, we bought a foam pool noodle and split it lengthwise down the side and zip tied it to the metal bed frame. The metal frame of the bed is exposed and will leave a gash in your head as you sit down to and get up from your desk if you don’t duck just right.
There are three plugs. One on each long wall and one by the window on the far wall. The mini fridge (we rented the micro fridge and it arrived disgustingly dirty-when you rent it, they offer for a charge, to deliver and pick it up as well as clean it) is small and doesn’t hold much but since every appliance has to be in the wall, not in the power strip, having a separate fridge and microwave would take up the whole outlet. Two large plugs won’t fit in one outlet anyhow.
The 4th wall, is a half wall and the bathroom is behind it. No plug in the room on that wall. First week of school, son used the plunger and some drain unclogging liquid to dissolve hair that he got at a hardware store to unclog the drain. Have a fan for the hot months and a nice comforter for the cold days. It has not been bad sharing with 3 other guys. It’s a great experience. It’s dorm life. Embrace the suck. It builds character.
I read somewhere that all of the electrical is to be replaced in Mosher and just last week was approved for 15 million replacement of the Mosher Hall HVAC system. http://www.spartnerships.com/newsletter/current/tgi.html No idea on any start or completion dates. The commons area between Mosher, Aston, Krueger and Dunn should be spectacular and finished by Aug. Someone started a rumor by January but unlikely.

Would it be okay to be an Honors student and opt for Hulabaloo as your first choice?