Texas A&M

Does Texas A&M accept running start. (Running Start is a program that allows 11th and 12th grade students to take college courses at Washington’s community and technical colleges. Students earn both high school and college credits for these courses.)

@hawks2021 that sounds like my kids’ dual credit program - they take upper level HS courses at the college level and earn both HS credit (for graduation) and college credit. I am pretty sure that my daughter’s audit shows credit for the dual credit she took in HS. I would call the admissions office to confirm.

@hawks2021 Yes, TAMU allows Dual credit. Depending on what college they are taking it at though. Check course equivalency and when in doubt, call admissions!

@Hawks2021 Here’s a link to the course equivalency AggieMomhelp mentioned. You can search by “sending institution” and put in your Washington college/course numbers . The other option is to search by the TAMU course number (which should be on a degree plan for your major), then select your college in Washington to see if they have a class that transfers.


Are you asking about Washington State’s community and technical colleges?
A&M does accept Dual Credit courses. Which one’s that are accepted as credit towards a degree plan and which ones that will be applied as electives, varies. You will have to look up each class, from each college on the transfer course equivalency web page, to which classes will be actually transfer as credit. Then it is up to the major on which ones it will allow for the major. https://compassxe-ssb.tamu.edu/HCA/ssb/transferCourseEquivalency/#!/inst

Example, Someone can can take calculus 1 and 2 at Community Collage as dual credit. If they apply to A&M engineering, though the engineering degree plan requires Calculus 1 and 2, these two classes taken as dual credit will not satisfy the math requirement for Entry to A Major, as A&M requires that two math classes, from a specific list, be taken at A&M. The Calculus 1 and 2 will be credited as electives and the student will have to take two additional math courses from the specific list at A&M to count towards satisfying the math requirement to go through the Apply To A Major process.