Texas Tech or Oklahoma State University

Hi, I’m posting this because I want to know what school is the better backup. I have no doubt that I will get accepted to other schools, but just in case I don’t or financially they become unattainable. I would like to know which one would be the better option so me and my family could start preparing. Which would look better when majoring in biology and is wanting to pursue dentistry or medicine? Where would I get the best education? Thank you (I apologize if this is in the wrong thread, I am new)

Which of the two is more affordable? Are you receiving in-state tuition at both?

Yes, I am, they are both equally affordable for me. I’m just wondering which school is the best to study biology.

Not much difference, pick based on fit.

If they are both affordable, then have you’ve visited both campuses? Do you have a preference?

I think the OSU campus is really nice, but it’s been a long time since I’ve visited Texas Tech. You should look at the 4-year degree plans for both schools to compare.

It looks like OSU has a biology degree and a pre-medical sciences biology degree http://catalog.okstate.edu/arts-sciences/integrative-biology/pre-medical-sciences-bs/

Texas Tech’s biology degree https://catalog.ttu.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=5&poid=4156

I really don’t think it matters which school you select. You need to pick the one you think you can do well at. Make good grades and graduate in 4 years. If you have any AP credit, see which school gives you the most credit. Remember that for AP credit to count, it has to be for a class on your degree plan. (example: if you have AP credit for AP World History, but it’s not required for your degree, then it’s useless).