Texas vs Mizzou

<p>Our daughter has just been accepted to both journalism schools. Overall, UT is MUCH harder to get into, but the Mizzou journalism school gets more attention. As such, which is the best undergrad journalism program for her to attend? We live in TX, so instate cost is approx $25k/yr at Texas vs $40k/yr at Mizzou. I know Mizzou is awesome, but is it worth $60k more than Texas? Please advise.</p>

<p>I don’t know much about Texas but the journalism school does have a great reputation. Mizzou is consistently ranked in the top 3 journalism programs and what we really liked about is how hands on it is, and really seems to prepare kids for real jobs. I don’t think the price difference is as big as you think. It is actually about $30,000 OOS. Also if one has an ACT score above 27 and are in the top 25% you automatically get $4000 and if above 30 it goes up to $5500 so that the difference in price is not that great. For my daughter it lands up being less then in-state tuition for our flagship university.</p>

<p>No. I chose Texas over Mizzou. I thought LONG and hard about this. I really loved Mizzou for many reasons, but decided upon Texas because…</p>

<p>~YES, Mizzou is better for print/online journalism. However, Texas is better for public relations, advertising, radio-tv-film. Your daughter should think about which field she wants to enter, as well as which has the best career outlook. (Online journalism is miserable.)</p>

<p>~if I decide to change majors, Texas has a billion highly-ranked programs. Mizzou only has one.</p>

<p>~Simply put, I don’t want debt. Texas will end up costing 60k for me total (scholarships, working for the Daily Texan, etc.). My mom is really excited about this! This also opens up money for me to study abroad. PLUS, more $$$$ for grad school.</p>

<p>I would recommend Texas!</p>