<p>Is there a way to check what class needs what textbooks/materials besides using Bearfacts, which leads to the Cal Student Store?</p>
<p>The store listed Quantitative Chemical Analysis (makes sense) and University Chemistry Pkg (w/ iClikcer & SG) (***?) as Required Materials for Chemistry 4A. The textbook I can understand. An iClicker?</p>
<p>So Ned’s is also available and allows you to link up courses with textbooks. Just one question: What happens if the information conflicts? Just email the professor?</p>
<p>Yeah, email the professor. Or even an old (but recent)student. Don’t automatically think the Cal Store = the most expensive. I can get my French material for less there vs. Ned’s and amazon.</p>
<p>For 4A I emailed the prof and he said both books on Neds & Student Store were required.</p>