Thanks to our online mom

<p>I'd like to take some time and say thank you to sybbie for all the help and support you've given us during this anxious time.</p>

<p>Sybbie, you have been a constant source of warm encouragement to all of us here on the Dartmouth board. Every post you make is covered in your compassion and understanding...and during the college admissions process, you have been an eternal source of comfort.</p>

<p>Furthermore, you have shown us all how to help and encourage those people who have yet to come along in the admissions process. Every time some high school freshman asks me about college....I'll think of you before I answer.</p>

<p>I've used some pretty lofty language, but if you think I'm over the top..don't take my word for it.</p>






<p>You've even been a voice of comfort for us URMs...which is nice considering that the Ivy League is a daunting thing for most of us 1st gen college kids...</p>



<p>But no matter what our skin color have shown us the type of compassion that we can only hope for in ourselves.</p>

<p>As D-day approaches...please remember that I, as well as the rest of us, are in your debt.</p>

<p>Thank you so much..and God Bless You!!</p>


<p>awwww, yeah, i agree. sybbie is a godsend!</p>

<p>thanks so much!</p>

<p>bump...I hope sybbie sees this..</p>

<p>I completely agree with everything that has been said. Thank you so, so much for everything, Sybbie - your advice and encouragement has been invaluable in this process. It's so nice to know we can depend on you for reassurement or a kind word whenever itÂ’s needed (and in these high-stress months, it's been needed often!). You've invested so much time in helping us out and I've really appreciated it. </p>

<p>Seriously, I can't thank you enough. Even a large text size won't come close to expressing my thanks adequately, but I'll go for it anyway:</p>

<p>Thanks, Sybbie! :D</p>

<p>Sybbie, you're the best!! Thanks so much for the guiding knowledge and caring attitude throughout all of our Dartmouth Sagas! :)</p>

<p>If a person is known by the company they keep, I am a truly blessed person for having spent the past few months in the company some amazing people who will definitely be agents for postive change in the lives of others. Thank you for allowing me to spend these months with you. It has definitely been a two way street as I have learned so much form you.</p>

<p>As a parent I want for you what your own parents do, for you: for you to spend these next 4 years as you transistion from adolescene to adulthood in an environment where you will get a great education , have the opportunity to do research, internships, study abroad and do everything your hearts contents while knowing the the bliss that also comes with doing nothing at all (we all need to charge our batteries), I hope you do all of these things while making connections that last a life time. You are already on your way as I see many of your still being friends no matter where you end up. You have supported and been so supportive of one another and I do not see that changing when you access your e-mails later today.</p>

<p>If it takes a village, I am proud to have been one of the villagers to have helped you in this leg of your journey. I have had a lot of help along the way so I thank Athena, Appros, Ben, DCircle, Drownindreams, Kelsey, Slipper,Xan and most of all WG, who was an invaluable source of information for me and whose generosity of sprit kept me comming back. So I am just paying forward what has been so richly given to us as we went through this process last year. I have to thank my own kid whose told me that if anyone has any questions feel free to e-mail her. </p>

<p>But just like Glenda, we are approching the gates of Munchkin Land and you must chose the best road for you to get to Oz. Some of you will encounter Lions, and Tigers and Bear (oh my). Others will come encounter, Blue Devils,Tigers, Jumbos, Trojans, Ephs, Bulldogs,Engineers,Generals, Hoyas and the list goes on. I have every confidence that you'll be able to handle them.</p>

<p>Hey but enough all ready. I'll be here this afternoon, no matter what. Remember no matter what tthe decision-Accepted, rejected or waitlisted, we are celebrating all admissions this afternoon, because you will all end up where you need to be. </p>

<p>See you later because the party wil be on.</p>


<p>You are all great - Sybbie, you have been fabulous and I sent you a p.m. All of you applicant hopefuls, I think you are incredible - you have worked together to keep this board all about the right stuff, have encouraged and supported each other - and I wish you all luck. You will succeed grandly wherever you decide to attend. And all the current Dartmouth students on this board who have taken the time to give a sense of life as it really is - that is so valuable to applicant, as you know- applause to you, have a great spring term.</p>

<p>Thanks sybbie. ^.^</p>