
<p>Thanks Byerly, Hannah, and Northstarmom for all of your contributions to this forum! As an applicant, I just wanted to say that the information you all provide has really helped me throughout this entire process. We all appreciate the time you give to answer our questions and all of your posts with priceless information.</p>

<p>So, thank you once again!</p>

<p>Yes, big thanks to those three, and everybody else that made/makes these boards such a useful addiction (lol).</p>

<p>Agreed. It makes CC a great help.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>MVPs of CC.</p>

<p>Thank you for all you do for us!</p>

<p>i also agree. thank you for your expert advice and willingness to help us on our quest for a college we would be happy at.</p>

<p>You should send them a thank you note along with a gift bag.
It's only polite.</p>

<p>or a festive holiday fruitcake.</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone, for the nice words of appreciation. You made my day.</p>

<p>Best of luck with your applications.</p>

<p>'cause fruitcake is yummy :p</p>

<p>Even though this isn't my school forum, you've helped a bunch, thanks!!!</p>

<p>yeah, northstarmom has been especially helpful in terms of interview help and reassurances. thanks.</p>

<p>I would prefer chocolate chip cookies. Not too crunchy, mind you.</p>

<p>same here. thank you, thank you, thank you! </p>

<p>(but let's not inflate their egos too much, Byerly has already started to make excessive demands:))</p>

<p>Lol, Byerly.</p>

<p>Definitely. If I get in, I'll buy you some Belgian cookies from the CVS around the corner. Anyways, thanks NSM, Byerly, for all of your support. Ever since I found CC, it was such a great source and has helped shape my application very well (lets just say my counselor isn't that good). I appreciate your candor as well as your encouragement. You guys are great.</p>

<p>absolutely, thank you. i would be clueless without their help.</p>