Thanksgiving Madison to Los Angeles flight

<p>My son wants to change his class schedule to have a chemistry lab from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm on Wednesdays since currently his lab is on Fridays and he has to go to classes straight through from 9 am to 2 pm without a break. He scheduled it this way originally because I wanted him to come home for Thanksgiving and when he went to SOAR I told him if he could make his Wednesday schedule light that would help him come home. He did it for me, but now after thinking about it he is thinking he will hate his Friday schedule and wants to see if he can change it. Unfortunately, that means, if he will be able to change the lab to Wednesday, he will get out of the lab at 5:30 pm the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I checked flight schedules and the last flight leaves at 7:30 pm to fly home to LA. So, my questions is this, would he be able to get to the airport in time to make that flight, MSN I mean, and would he be able to take a taxi say from his dorm that night and still make a flight at 7:30 pm. I doubt he could leave campus before 6pm at he would have to go back to his dorm after his lab and get his stuff. How long a drive is it to the airport and I realize that night it will probably be more crowded than normal. Any information would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>He should be able to make the flight. He can take his bag to lab that day if need be. He is much better off having a semester long good schedule and one day of hurry. By then he will know his TA and may even be able to get done earlier. With two days off that week they may not even have the lab session. btw- there is an extra ten minutes built into the noon time, with 50 minutes classes and 15 minutes passing there is time to eat a quick lunch since the entire 15 minutes would allow you to hurry from one end of campus to the other (as I did one semester eons ago).</p>

<p>To all- do be aware it is possible to have exams on that Wednesday so don’t count on skipping to get home earlier.</p>