The 6th Best Business School

<p>"The top 5 are pretty much agreed upon by this board. What, in your opinion, is the 6th best ALL-AROUND (i.e. no posts saying it depends on this or that) business school in the US? Give a reason why if you want, particularly what sets it apart from other contenders for the spot."</p>

<p>I’ve said this on the other thread, I’ll say it again here:</p>

<p>1 - Harvard
2 - Stanford / Wharton</p>

<p>4 - Northwestern-Kellogg
5 - Columbia / Chicago / MIT</p>

<p>8 - Berkeley-Haas / Dartmouth-Tuck</p>

<p>10 - Michigan-Ross</p>

<p>Runners up: NYU-Stern, Duke-Fuqua, Cornell-Johnson, Yale-SOM, Virginia-Darden, UCLA-Anderson
(I probably missed a couple more b-schools)</p>

<p>So, basing on that, it’s not clear which school is REALLY the 5th best (or number 6 or number 7.) All I know is that Columbia, Sloan and Chicago are fighting each other to legitimately win the 5th spot.</p>

<p>Kellogg or Chicago</p>