The AMC10, AMC12, and AIME thread

<p>Yeah, ditto. It's my first time taking any of them and I haven't practiced at all, so we'll see how it goes :]</p>

<p>we take it next Wednesday..120 this year hopefully...... PLEASE!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>sorry for butting in but Sheed, are you sure it's next Wednesday? The official testing dates are 2/12 (A) and 2/27 (B)</p>

<p>yeah it's only 2 dates listed by jenkster

<p>Hey, can someone explain the scoring system to me (I'm new to this)?</p>

<p>each question right = 6 points
each question blank = 1.5 points
each question wrong = 0 points
total of 100 point on the AMC12 (or top 5% if top 5% doesn't reach 100 points) to pass; total of 120 points on the AMC10 (or top 1%) to pass to the AIME</p>

<p>is it just me or is anyone else totally shocked that we can't use calculators this year?</p>

<p>I hardly use a calculator anyways...</p>

<p>I am nervous.. first time for me =/</p>

<p>any last minute tips?</p>

is it just me or is anyone else totally shocked that we can't use calculators this year?



<p>And school is making me take AMC 12 even tho I'm in 10th grade- there's no way I can pass now.</p>

15. Geometric series a + ar + ar^2 + ... = 7 and the terms involving odd powers of r sum to 3. Find a + r.


<p>Hey, I remember that question!
I spent forever on it because I forgot to multiply by a or some such nonsense.
And kept getting impossible answers.
'Twas also the year I bombed the AIME. (read: score = score - 5; )</p>

<p>I hate snow days.</p>

<p>Are both posts 46/47 true? I know 47 is real this year, but are we using the (6,1.5,0) system again?</p>

<p>Yea, both are true.</p>

<p>Please Do Not Discuss About The Test Today. Many Cities Have Not Taken The Test Yet. Thanks.</p>

<p>Ya we have a snow day so we can't take it today I guess/</p>


<p>So... the people that sent my test (ordered separately) sent the amc 12a rather than 10a.. =&lt;/p>


<p>edit: i failed it. totally. i'm so stupid. i guess ill start looking at community colleges</p>

<p>I thought today's test was very easy. I made some dumb mistakes, and didn't have time to do some problems, but overall it wasn't bad (I took the AMC 10)</p>

<p>I didnt go all out on this one (since Im doing 12B on the 27th and I got bio tomorrow), but I definitely qualified for AIME so it's looking good so far.</p>

<p>This test always reminds me that math really isn't my thing... But, it got me out of AP Euro!</p>