<p>I'm aiming for at least a 2100 (700 in each section). Do I have enough time to study for the June 6 SAT (19 days)? I'm pretty much set on Writing and CR, but I still have to do a bunch of studying to get the math basics down before I take all of my BB practice tests. If I plan to study at least an hour a day until then, do you think my goal is attainable (I know it's hard to gauge, but I'm definitely capable, I just need to learn some of the harder material first)? How many hours a day times 19 would you say the average person would need to study if he/she wants a 2100? </p>
<p>This is extremely difficult if not impossible to answer. Everyone is different with a multitude of variables such as your current courseload, afterschool activities, summer activities, etc. Other factors might include what you’re currently scoring, what books you’re using, if there is a tutor present, the competency of the tutor etc.</p>
<p>I think you’re just stressing out and seeking some solace by trying to get a concrete answer/advice that you can just follow. Frankly, I don’t think that is the way to go nor will it be very effective unless you’re already around 2100 or higher consistently. </p>
<p>Just to give you some perspective, I have been tutoring/mentoring a 10th student on PSAT/SATs for close to a year. The student improved dramatically (30/300+) during the first couple of months but has been stagnant at the 210/2100-220/2200 range for some time. The student has completed the REA PSAT text and has been working on SAT Writing, Critical Reading and Math Sections ever since for around 2-5 hours each week. The student is using the PR 11 New SAT Book. Hope this helps.</p>