<p>do you think these stats could get me into the Bandier program? or for that matter, could these stats get me into Syracuse at all (mainly im interested in the college of visual and performing arts)?</p>
<p>GPA: 3.64 unweighted, 3.8 weighted
ACT: 32
Class Rank: 125/600</p>
<p>also, is anyone on here already in the Bandier program?</p>
<p>What's the Bandier Program?
Oh, and you're in. At least for A&S. No sweat</p>
<p>Hi, I know someone in Bandier and I will be able to ask her about it when I'm on campus (in 2 days). However, she's a recruited athlete, so I'm not really sure if her stats were of the typical acceptee. I did get the impression that space is limited for the program, and should therefore be pretty competitive.</p>
<p>hey jouray, that would be great if you get some info from her!</p>
<p>although she is a recruited athlete, i would still like to know her stats.
also if you could ask:
about how many people are admitted each year?
if she likes the program and think its it will get her a good job in the industry right out of college?</p>
<p>or any other info she would like to give would be great!
<p>figured i'd bump this bad boy again...</p>
<p>this board is sooooooo dead!
let get some posts hombres!</p>
<p>Sorry it's been so long, and the amount of info I have on the program is still minimal. I don't have any specifics for you, but I'll let you know what I know about the program.</p>
<p>My friend loves the program. They get a lot of really cool speakers (even went down to NYC to meet Yoko Ono). Some of the classes are integrated with the Newhouse School, SU's prestigious Public Communications school. This should provide you with some great networking, which will help when you're out of school.</p>
<p>The program is really small, and so all the bandier kids hang out with each other a lot. They are kind of looked down upon by all the music majors, because it's the least musical major in Crouse (the music school).</p>
<p>That's the best I can do. Sorry and goodluck.</p>
<p>hey jouray, thanks a lot!
and info is good info.</p>
<p>i'm kind of bummed to find out that if you dont apply ED, you wont find out if youre in or not until march (or sometime relatively late?) next year. i just wanna find out where i got in (hopefully northeastern or syracuse), make my decisions, and not have to deal with anymore college anxiety.</p>
<p>i also had an interview with an admissions advisor recently and i tryed to express my passions for music and the music industry. hopefully that will help my application.</p>
<p>has anyone that applied to the bandier program heard anything yet?</p>
<p>I applied regular and have not heards anything yet. It is supposed to be "mid March", so hopefully I'll hear soon.</p>
<p>got into bandier programme and northeastern to study music industry. still waiting to hear fromTisch school at NYU! you shouldnt have a problem getting in to these schools if your application is good…my app was good but my grades and SATs were really ****! good luck…your probably in one of those by now already 
big ups to dubstep!!</p>
<p>How did everything go for everyone? Any comments on the Bandier Program? Were you accepted? Any info would be helpful</p>