<p><a href="http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2006/08/18_rankings.shtml%5B/url%5D">http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2006/08/18_rankings.shtml</a></p>
<p>at the end; it's done by college *******</p>
Academics A- Greek Life B+
Athletics B Guys B
Campus Dining C Local Atmosphere B+
Campus Housing B Nightlife B-
Campus Strictness B Off-Campus Dining A
Computers B+ Off-Campus Housing C
Diversity A- Parking D
Drug Scene C Safety and Security B-
Facilities B+ Transportation A
Girls C Weather A
<p>weather is an A?! other than that, it seems pretty accurate (sorry girls)</p>
<p>The girl rating is right.</p>
<p>Sadly that is true, and parking should be a F.</p>
<p>Dining seems pretty accurate. Hahaha parking = D.</p>
<p>Show me a college with good parking. I've yet to see it.</p>
<p>With a campus of about 23 times the size of Berkeley's campus, I bet Berry College must have some good parking.</p>
<p><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berry_College%5B/url%5D">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berry_College</a></p>
With approximately 2,100 students and 28,000 acres (113 km²) of north Georgia hill country, Berry College's campus is the largest contiguous campus in the world.
<p>Yeah, I actually parked next to that waterwheel the other day. No one around at all.</p>
<p>Guys should be C, not B.</p>
<p>I swear though, all the guys here are short.</p>
<p>I'm sure that can't be explained demographically...</p>
<p>Mr. Payne please sit down...thank you</p>
<p>Apparently sarcasm isn't appreciated.</p>
<p>I don't see why weather is an A. It's so cold there compared to even the South Bay, and it rains so often in the winter and spring. What's particularly irksome is that in the spring, you often can't predict whether it'll rain in the afternoon when you leave for class in the morning. So, I've learned the hard way to carry an umbrella in the backpack at all times.</p>
<p>I don't get what is wrong with some of you posters. You keep saying how females rank a 'D', and Males should rank a 'D', when all you are obviously doing is looking at outward appearence. I mean, it is such a cliche of saying 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', and 'don't judge a book by it's cover', but surely you guys' need a reminder because you are acting like children and grading people's quality without truly knowing them. </p>
<p>Grow up. This is college, remember?</p>
<p>ha. the idea of society focusing on the personality of a partner rather than physical appearences...it's a nice but rare idea. we are biologically driven to reproduce first and foremost, so it's natural that we put physical attraction first. of course that attraction dies off, and people who marry based on personality compatibilities tend to have healthier, longer relationships...but hey, divorce is more or less taken for granted in america. people..</p>
<p>^^...About the appearance post, we were merely emulating the ratings of the college *******. About the growing up bit, adults are probably more shallow than children, sadly enough.</p>
<p>"Guys should be C, not B.</p>
<p>I swear though, all the guys here are short."</p>
<p>Define short... but also consider the average height of a guy is 5'9. I'm 6'3, and I've seen plenty of people taller than me around Berkeley.</p>
Grow up. This is college, remember?
<p>Uhhh, kid, how about you grow up? Do we now need people telling us what our criteria for other people should be? Does your mom still call you to tell you what food to eat at lunchtime?</p>
<p>Look, simple fact is, the ranking takes into account more than just outward appearence (I've glanced at the book in the store). It also considers approachability and availability, if I remember correctly. So, with all that said, the girls at stilll ugly in Berkeley. If that's all they were, I'm sure many of us would argue that the 'C' score is far too high.</p>
<p>Ummm...just because someone's idea is different then your own...how does that mean their mother ultimately rules their life? </p>
<p>No one is immature, and needs to "grow up" simply because they look to a positive ideal in life, whether or not it is realistic.</p>
Define short... but also consider the average height of a guy is 5'9. I'm 6'3, and I've seen plenty of people taller than me around Berkeley.
<p>Well, short for a guy, in my opinion is 5'10" and lower. I am only 5'5" but every guy I've dated has been over 5'11". My bf is 6'4" and I find him the perfect height. I know, I know...I am a "heightist."</p>
<p>But yeah, TONS of guys taller than 6'3"? Unless you mean athletes, not really. Most of the guys at Cal are shorter than the guys in my high school...</p>
<p>If I'm not looking up at a guy, and I can kind of see eye-to-eye with him, I think he's short.</p>
<p>Average height for a white 20 year old male is slightly UNDER 5' 10". Only 5% of men are over 6' 3".</p>