The Bragging Thread

re: post # 161
Do you remember this classic thread from 2005?? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; Loved that thread!</p>

<p>I have “funky” thumbs :wink: they bend about 90 degrees and I can bend them forward too…</p>

<p>Never been on Jeopardy although my family tell me all the time to tryout. Everyone wants me on their team playing games and the other teams dont!</p>

<p>I lived for years after we were 1st married in the same humble apartment building that our president lived in when he was attending school in Honolulu. Walls were poured concrete so it had pretty good soundproofing but you could HEAR everything that was being said in the parking lot! It was a convenient location but very simple abode.</p>

<p>jym, I met Jimmy Stewart and have a picture of me sitting next to him on the mantel in my family room.</p>

<p>HImom So, did you overhear him making plans to be president in the parking lot? :D</p>

<p>Actually, the biggest brag in that post is simply that you were living in Honolulu. At least from the winter perspective.</p>

<p>My wife lets me pick out my own clothes…most of the time. :-)</p>

<p>“My wife lets me pick out my own clothes…most of the time.”</p>


<p>I am the 188th poster on this thread.</p>

<p>I was in labor 21 years ago today and didn’t even cry! :)</p>

<p>I am amazing at solving puzzles on Wheel of Fortune (not so sure it would be as easy if I were on the hot seat, though).</p>

<p>I went to grade school with the woman who was backup teacher in space to Christa MacAuliffe . . . after the Challenger disaster NASA ended the Teacher In Space Program, but 12 years afterwards Barbara ended up going into space as a crew member.</p>

<p>I have spent a total of 3 years and 20 days on CC, making 1844 posts.</p>

<p>DH and I have now moved ALL of the furniture (and associated stuff) out of 2 bedrooms and one large office, including 10 bookcases (moving books separately). And it fits into the livingroom.
And we threw away a bunch of old crxx stuff. … but that included my letters to H from summers in college. He saved the envelopes so that he would have a record of where he lived then …</p>

<p>I am 46 years old and have gotten “carded” buying wine several times in the past year!! Woohoo!!</p>

<p>I tried out for Jeopardy, too! (didn’t do very well, and didn’t watch much after that. . . :frowning: Cash Cab, anyone? )</p>

<p>I can ride a unicycle (well, used to be able–can you forget?) I was the top female sprinter (100m) in my school. I survived a day in the Harare, Zimbabwe airport. I once rode a roller coaster–the sitting down kind–standing up. (Stupidest thing ever.) </p>

<p>I won Powerball. ($4) I ate durian–three times. And mountain oysters. I’ve moved 10 times since I got married. I learned to surf at age 41.</p>

<p>I won the Breeder’s Cup (most kids) at my high school reunion (Bad Company’s “Feel Like Makin’ Love” was played as I walked up to receive the award. . .) I had a home birth. And (top this!) spent more than 10 years (cumulative) breastfeeding.</p>

<p>I’ve have a pen-pal that I’ve written to for 36 years. I always put my shopping cart back. I do random acts of kindness. My cat is so good looking that his photo is my profile pic on FB.</p>

<p>I have never smoked a cigarette.</p>

<p>I won third place in the local gardening awards, three times.</p>

<p>atomom, I think I breastfed for 8 years, but given that I have only two kids, I think I deserve runner-up status. :)</p>

<p>mathmom–Granted. The golden ****** award.</p>

<p>When I was a little boy Col. Chuck Yeager (1st man to fly faster than the speed of sound - portrayed by Sam Shepard in “The Right Stuff”) hoisted me up onto his shoulders so that I could see better at at air show.</p>