The Bragging Thread

<p>S1 is getting published and is presenting at a conference later this month. He is so excited to have the opportunity to publish despite not (yet) being in academia!</p>

<p>So far, Iā€™ve Aced all of my grad school assignments. In general, grad school is going very well.
My research assistant position is going very well and Iā€™m loving it. Iā€™m seriously considering pursuing my PhD in History (Science, Technology, and Medicine subfield) and continuing along the same line of research that Iā€™m doing now.
My roommates and I have been approved to be foster parents for the local humane society and weā€™ll be getting our first foster soon (hopefully!)</p>


<p>romani, I knew you would do well, but what I love is that you will be fostering. My daughter will be in her third year of the Ph.D. next year and has found someone to room with in a place where they, too, will be able to foster.</p>

<p>My brag-- I thought it would never get here, but today ended the 1st grading period, so I am down to 75c, 3 quarters before retirement. YAY!!!</p>

<p>Love it Glo!</p>

<p>I love reading this thread! good news is fun to read.</p>

<p>I like reading this too! Itā€™s fun to get excited for everyone!</p>

<p>My brag: My D got a job within days of moving to the other side of the country. She even negotiated a better salary and hours. AND itā€™s in her field.</p>

<p>I helped S2ā€™s GF negotiate a higher salary in the job she was just offered. Sheā€™s a babe in the woods when it comes to this stuff so Iā€™m proud she asked for my help and proud I was able to help her.</p>

<p>FirstToGo is no longer a pre-med ā€¦ she will be a med student next year ā€¦ now weā€™re waiting to find out where!</p>

<p>I love to hear all of this good news!</p>

<p>3togoā€¦ she already has acceptances? she is a superstar! mazal tov!</p>

<p>My son just registered for his last semester of college. I can hardly believe it. Next stop, real world!</p>

<p>Montegutā€¦next stop is feeling like YOU won the lottery, with no tuition payments for this kid. Hope itā€™s your last college kid! We went on a big vacation the year after dd graduated!</p>

<p>Ran my first 5K last weekend. My time was the best Iā€™ve done so far.</p>

<p>My sophomore son finally got a job at collegeā€¦ And heā€™s making $35 an hour.
Better than the minimal wage jobs I was suggesting.</p>

<p>:) S2 took the GREs and scored 162 verbal and 167 math, both out of 170. Amazing. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Very proud!!</p>

<p>Excellent VH!</p>

<p>Thanks, thumper. He has always tested incredibly well.</p>

<p>In my doctoral program, each area of my department has a weekly lunch where graduate students and faculty present their research and field questions and suggestions.</p>

<p>Yesterday, I defended my Masterā€™s proposal and it went amazing. People were super interested in what I was doing and bombarded me with questions, almost all of which I was able to answer quickly and intelligently without needing to get bailed out by my graduate mentor. </p>

<p>Afterward, I was rushed by a number of faculty and students saying I had given a fantastic presentation and they were really impressed. Then, one of my committee members who is a rising star in her field asked if we (my mentor and I) would be willing to do an ERP study with her, which is a tremendous opportunity and we basically fell over ourselves with excitement. Later, my mentor told me I had ā€œraised the barā€ on our area presentations and that he had been approached by several people afterward about my performance as well. </p>

<p>I was so excited yesterday I could barely eat. This is the first time in my life Iā€™ve really felt like Iā€™m definitely doing what Iā€™m meant to be doing.</p>

<p>I bought fall flowers and planted them before they died. (Just finished. Getting dirt on keyboard.)</p>