The Bragging Thread

<p>Just watched my D dance solo at her praise dance practice. It brings tears to my eyes and I’m not even religious. Then to watch the whole group perform with all of their hearts-it’s just amazing and not something I can easily explain. I know our weekends are “daughter-centric” but I really don’t mind a bit watching such uplifting and heartfelt dancing.</p>

<p>D is now second chair in the youth symphony orchestra, even though she was dealing with an injury at the seating audition.</p>

<p>We MAY be done with college applications in our house TONIGHT, assuming the common app stops acting up and actually let’s my son process his last application!!!
Based on his scores and grades, it appears that he’s guaranteed admission at a couple, so it’s all good from here. I just had to share!</p>

<p>OMG. We are so very, VERY proud of you and your accomplishment. It was herculean but you did it!</p>

<p>HyperJulie, wow! Congratulations!</p>

<p>D1 got an offer for a summer internship on Wall Street!</p>

<p>He did it!! The product is on the store shelves!!</p>

<p>Jym, give a hint. what am i looking for?</p>

<p>I’ll pm you</p>

<p>Pm me too, please. Thx. :). Congrats!</p>

<p>Will do. Sorry to be so clandestine but it could be too revealing.</p>

<p>braved the 19 degree weather and completed my first ever Thanksgiving day 10K race at 9:04 pace. That is around the top 1/3 male finishers.</p>

<p>In May 2012, I could not run a mile, in May 2013, I completed a 1/2 marathon with a big hill at 10:15 pace. Suffered a serious grade 2 calf muscle tear during the full marathon train in August 2013 but managed to complete a 14K at 9:51 pace in September. Can’t really believe I would get to near 9:00 pace with a 90% calf. </p>

<p>Have signed up for the full marathon next May. I am going to finish it. Will do any brag then. </p>

<p>I am so happy.</p>

<p>Very good, Dad II!</p>

<p>Thanks T1. Got to have good health to enjoy those millions in early retirement :)</p>

<p>Re subscribing to this thread. Not sure what happened.</p>

<p>The age graded calculator says I am only at 55.5%. A little disappointed. Hey, at least I am above average.</p>

<p>Also, I could do 45 push ups in one minute. The average for those in the 50s is 21.</p>

<p>First grad school application done! The light is at the end of the tunnel. Fingers crossed for an acceptance!</p>

<p>My daughter admonished me for not telling her that I tell her dad that I appreciate him accompanying me to Pearl Jam shows.
So since I suspect she reads this, I will also say that in the last two weeks he has dealt with my car getting a flat, his truck getting a flat, me losing/stolen my purse over the holiday, my car not starting last night, HIS truck breaking down twice on the way home today and he had to crawl underneath so he could shift- then- when he gets home he finds out that a pipe has broken in the ceiling above our bed. I didnt even know we had pipes there. :o ( apparently it is from when a wood stove was used to heat the water.)</p>

<p>Twenty years ago, all that would have driven him bat poop crazy. But he just growled a bit when he saw the water in the bedroom, which is :)</p>

<p>This may be a long winter.</p>

<p>EK, the H is stepping it up which is great! I knew that my H was the ultimate keeper in how he dealt with things when everything seems to go bad. It’s a great feeling.</p>

<p>S1 and his gf just got engaged! We knew it was going to happen, but didn’t know when.</p>

<p>S1 had told us a month ago that he was having a significant present for his gf sent to our house and he’d pick it up at Thanksgiving. We guessed it might be an engagement ring (he had it custom made), but didn’t want to presume or get too nosy if he wasn’t offering that info. At Thanksgiving, he confirmed what we’d surmised and we got to see the ring. He wasn’t sure when he’d ask her, but he did it last night.</p>

<p>I’m sure I’ll be back alot to get advice on the wedding (not until 2015 if it’s up to S) and how to deal with a mixed marriage (we’re Jewish, gf is Christian) without putting my foot in my mouth.</p>