The Bragging Thread

<p>Another victory for “runners of a certain age”-- DH’s team took first place in the ultra division of the Colonial 200 relay last weekend. It was a crazy race. They started at 11:30 a.m. Friday, ran through the night and finished around 4:30 Saturday afternoon. It’s always fun when they beat the young whippersnappers.</p>

<p>My son was just elected Chair of the student gov’t assembly.</p>

<p>Okay, my brag–</p>

<p>I had two stories published this summer, and a third one is a finalist for a fiction prize. (don’t ask me what I’m making from this “career”)!</p>

<p>Outstanding, garland!!</p>

<p>garland – you’re on a roll! That is such good news – fingers crossed!</p>

<p>I actually made money for the first time in my life as a writer. $48.20. I’m hiring a team of financial planners and stock brokers to help me decide how to invest it – apparently, there are serious tax implications of such a windfall :)</p>

<p>Classof2015…that self employment income is REALLY going to screw up your financial aid prospects:)</p>

<p>LOL thumper1! You’re right – didn’t think of that!</p>

<p>Classof2015, I’m envious! I’m sure the amount on the check wasn’t what mattered but the feeling of accomplishing a dream of yours! Enjoy.</p>

<p>My son and his three friends went up to a music festival, stayed in a hotel, parked their car and waked to the concert, and came home all in one piece. </p>

<p>I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of my son for going on “an adventure” and finally enjoying his youth.</p>

<p>We are flying to Germany for a birthday party for a dear friend this weekend. Once in a lifetime.</p>

<p>Classof–if I win the prize, it’s 100 dollars. I’ll be writing to you for investment advice for sure! :)</p>

<p>garland – just between you and me – they say every major economic boom starts with housing. This time, it starts with shoes. Just sayin’. :)</p>

<p>writer1992 – thank you – yes, so glad I got someone to fork over some dollars for what I had to say. As the 4th of 5 children (and thus, perpetually ignored or talked over) I think I have been hoping someone, someday, would listen to me.</p>

<p>Montegut – so glad at your son’s safe adventure. I am convinced we are on this planet for 2 reasons – to enjoy our life, and to do good. It can’t be just one or the other – it has to be both (but not necessarily at the same time). The enjoying one’s own life is harder than it sounds. Glad he has done that.</p>

<p>H & I spent the past weekend camping with D and her BF.
Apparently broke all records for rainiest Sept weekend ever.
Go us.
But I was thrilled just to get to spend a whole weekend with them.
They are a really nice couple and seem to have reached a level of communication and support for each other after a few years of dating, that H & I only achieved after decades & a lot of blood, sweat & tears!
We all had a lot of fun- even though the dog is not a rain lover.
I think it is my last camping trip for the year though, unless I get some sort of trailer. ( or I change latitude)</p>

<p>Emeraldkitty -time for that teardrop trailer!!!</p>

<p>We got the calicos! Both of the beautiful young ladies are going in to be spayed tomorrow. Thank you to my neighbor for all her help. We are going to a TNR seminar tomorrow night to learn how to improve our trapping skills. And thank you so much to the wonderful vets who are offering their services for our local Fix A Feline program.</p>

<p>D left this morning for a marine science cruise out in Puget Sound, where it has been raining-I mean POURING on and off for four days now. She and her classmates looked like drowned rats before even getting on the boat but were thrilled to do it. Most of them have never been on boat, never mind sleeping on one, have never camped, as they’ll do one night, and have certainly never cooked in a galley or sailed a ship home, which they will do in two days. All of them were nervous but they’re doing it anyway. Go them!</p>

<p>Wow, sseamom, that is an adventure of a lifetime! When I was a kid, our biology class did something similar (no boats though), and I still vividly remember many details.</p>

<p>Congrats to the $$-making writers! Keep on raking in those big bucks! :)</p>

<p>Finally got to see the new gizmo that DS has been working on for months. The press releases are cool!! Fun to see it all over the news/the web. OK I guess I am a geek. But it looks cool. Proud of ya, kiddo.</p>

<p>Scanned an exhibit all by myself!</p>

<p>S bought himself a ticket yesterday and is arriving for a surprulise visit today! We can’t wait!</p>