The Bragging Thread

<p>Woo hoo!! Congrats shelfell!!</p>

<p>Congratulations! How wonderful, shellfell!</p>

<p>My 27 year old son is buying a house! 3 years ago I wasnā€™t sure he would EVER graduate from college, he was on the 7.5 year plan, lol. But graduate he did, 2 years ago this month, with a engineering job waiting. And tomorrow he will sign the contract for his new home, January will be an exciting month for us!</p>

<p>Congrats shellfell!</p>

<p>My S2 was a very avg. student that I had to drag through K-12. His 8th grade teacher told me she didnā€™t think heā€™d make it in college. He got his act together and graduated(in 4 yrs.) fr. a directional state u. in 2012.</p>

<p>He got a job that has nothing to do with his major. Heā€™s been working for this company a little over a year now. At Thanksgiving DH was impressing upon S2 that it was very important to start saving money at a young age.
I almost fell off the couch when S2 said he had saved 30K since starting his job a little over year ago!!! Take that Miss 8th grade social studies teacher. Iā€™m so proud of S2.</p>

<p>^^^^^ Big smile here PackMom :)</p>

<p>Great Story Packmom. You should track that teacher down and somehow let him/her subtly know how well he has done.</p>

<p>JYM, when you can tell us all the product. The CC crowd could cause a surge in sales!</p>

<p>Good for your son, Packmom. Itā€™s really more about where they end up than how they got there.</p>

<p>My son passed the FE exam!</p>

<p>^^ Flight Engineer exam?</p>

<p>Last month we went to see our Dā€™s senior recital. It was beyond fabulous! And we are not the only ones who thought soā€¦the head of the opera program contacted her teacher to tell her that our D had just raised the bar for the senior recitals! Stay tuned for future bragging!</p>

<p>My 9th graderā€™s school district has all the freshmen take the PSATā€™s (and pays for them) and scores came in this week. D beat many of the juniorsā€™ scores and did very well in the reading/writing sections. Math was nearly all topics she hasnā€™t covered so that was more average. </p>

<p>Today sheā€™s at an all-day speech competition and will be singing in two choirs and dancing in church tomorrow. She doesnā€™t like to sit still for longā€¦All we do is driveā€¦</p>

<p>Packmom and fishymom, congrats to both of you!! I can relate a little bit to both experiences. S#1 was definitely not ā€œcollege material,ā€ I was elated when he was even accepted to a college. He will be completing his 7+ yr plan BA very soon and is doing great. S#2 is launched, employed and recently bought a condo. It feels so great when your kids are doing well.</p>

<p>Awesome, Montegut! When our S passed, he about passed out. I guess they really did teach them well :). (Btw FE=Fundamentals of Engineering)</p>

<p>Thanks for the explanation, shellz.</p>

<p>Congratulations !</p>

<p>congrats montegut!</p>

<p>My first post ever on CC, and actually the first post I can remember on any forum.</p>

<p>Back in Spring 2005, S1 and S2 (8 and 7) were on a local city recreational league flag football team. They had never played before, and their coach left town before the first game to attend March Madness. So the coachā€™s dad reluctantly took over. Not an auspicious start. </p>

<p>The team was 0-4 going into game 5. The competition had a big kid, Trevor, who played safety. We could only run the ball (I donā€™t remember a single complete pass) and Trevor was an impenetrable defense. </p>

<p>During half time, my son bemoaned that Trevor would always catch him. Iā€™m not great at sports, and all I could suggest was to run faster, although I knew he was already trying his hardest.</p>

<p>A father of one of S1ā€™s teammates overheard our exchange, and offered a tip that proved to be exceptional. He told S1 to ā€œjust jink and jive like you do when playing tag with your brotherā€. True enough, our guys had been futilely trying to outrun Trevor in a straight line. A new strategy just might work.</p>

<p>So with only a few minutes before the second half, I gave S1 the ball and challenged him to get by me without being touched. We did this twice, but each time he went outside our practice sideline. I pointed out the need to stay inbound, and we tried it one more time. He jinked around me, straddled the line, and stayed inbound.</p>

<p>OK, 2nd half. S1 scored on the next carry and the next three after that! Our team had its first win! He continued to score on every run right up to the last play of the last game. The team ended up 4-and-4 for the season.</p>

<p>So why am I on CC for the first time talking flag football from 8 years ago? Well, S1 took the PSAT last year as a sophomore and got 190. He was really hoping to get just above 200 this year and land a Commendation from NMS. Mom and I were pulling for him, but knowing all his other coursework and extracurricular demands, we figured a Commendation was in the realm but still a stretch. Well, he found out yesterday he got a score of 230 on his NMS Qualifying PSAT! Of course S1 and mom and dad are ecstatic! </p>

<p>So there are high levels of achievement inside every kid. Sometimes they figure out how to unlock it, and sometimes we help them figure it out, and sometimes we just donā€™t know where it comes from.</p>

<p>Great Story HSDropUCBGrad. </p>

<p>I hope that CC helps you through the junior and senior year ahead.</p>

<p>D got 3 Aā€™s and 1 A- in first quarter in college.</p>

<p>Congrats, Packmom.</p>

<p>ā€œGreat Story Packmom. You should track that teacher down and somehow let him/her subtly know how well he has done.ā€</p>

<p>I think Packmom should thank that teacher. Her honest assessment at that time might have been the wake-up call Packmomā€™s son needed.</p>