The Bragging Thread

<p>6th grade D got 3rd place in her school geography bee! LOL. She was one of only 3 girls (of 21 classroom winners) in the bee, and the top two finishers were 8th grade boys.
(This kid is NOT gifted, more of a B+ student who works hard to get A-, but she likes facts and has a good memory. . . I’m really surprised she did so well–I thought that, as a 6th grader, she’d be out on the first round. She studied a little over break, but not that much.)
I was a little sad that the school doesn’t recognize the winners–not a certificate or ribbon or a candy bar? Not a photo for the yearbook? (Spelling bee classroom winners were listed by name in school newsletter, but geo bee school winners? “We had our geography bee this week. The students did really well. We are so proud of them!” I just wanted to see D’s name in print. . . :wink: ) Another school my kids attended years ago did more to recognize all/any achievements. In this district, it seems they recognize sports a lot, but they minimize academic stuff so no one will feel bad, I guess. I would like to see the winners “get” something. (Sorry–I realize I turned the bragging thread into the griping thread. . .)</p>

<p>Congratulations to you and your daughter, atomom!</p>

<p>I think geography bee is more meaningful than spelling bee. Hope your daughter continues her interest in geography.</p>

<p>Something for geography HS kids to aim for is the AAA Geography Bee. Winner in each state gets a trip all-expense paid to Disney World to compete in national competition for prizes. My kids both entered, but neither won. They have some nice prizes, including scholarships.</p>

<p>Congratulations, Romani!</p>

<p>My 11th grade S got a 233 on his PSAT. He did no studying for it.</p>

<p>They called me again! Finally, I have the courage to work for someone new!</p>

<p>Just finished celebrating my big 60.</p>

<p>And last week I started my last semester before retiring.</p>

<p>My next decade is going to be great!</p>

<p>Woo hoo gloworm. It isn’t so bad is it? Welcome to the club!</p>

<p>Go, Gloworm!!!</p>

<p>As H & I say, “Growing older beats the alternatives, hands down!”</p>

<p>Thanks, all!</p>

<p>Congrats, gloworm. DH will be joining you later this year.</p>

<p>Just got paid for my first product under my own shingle! So proud!</p>

<p>Congrats Montegut. Can you say what you sell?</p>

<p>Not a product in the standard sense, but didn’t know the correct term. I usually get assignments from an agency, and I get a commission from my final “product”. This time, I did all the work, from the typing, to the binding, to the mailing and delivery, and the invoicing. Never done all that before myself. Gave me amazing confidence to take on new challenges after 25 years. Changing “I can’t” to “I CAN!”</p>

<p>Not really a brag, but today is my birthday :smiley: lol</p>

<p>^^Happy birthday!</p>

<p>I’m starting a new job in two weeks! My current job is my first job out of college, and has been wonderful, but the pay rates are so low (and I work in non-profits). I graduated from college in 2010 and had the worst time finding a job, and found the one that I am at now through a temp agency. It’s been such a different experience to job hunt while employed. I’m getting a forty percent pay increase when you take benefits into account and working at an organization that I believe in with a group of people that seems wonderful!</p>



<p>The best!!</p>

<p>Congrats and happy birthday.</p>

<p>My S2 finally started a “career-path” job with a company he likes, a salary he can live on, benefits (including health insurance, yay!), and a new apartment. He is 5 years out of college, has a masters degree and worked a paid internship for the past year while living at home, never complaining. I’m so proud of him and happy he’s moving on to the next stage of his life.</p>