The Bragging Thread

<p>D1 just got her compensation review and she is over the moon. I called it to the penny. She said it would never happen. The best part is her boss gave her my favorite orange label champagne to congratulate her (the champagne is mine, she could keep her bonus). So they got her for one more year. </p>

<p>I’m thrilled for Romani and jym’s S1!!!</p>

<p>Got a text from D “I got accepted to UW!!!” :)</p>

<p>Yea for BB daughter! </p>

<p>Have a few cases of spirits and fine Haitian cuisine coming from an older friend and fellow techie for helping him solve a issue which was causing his project to be delayed and his boss to be irate. </p>

<p>What’s more odd is that he’s much more experienced with that system and the problem took me less than 5 minutes to search out and send off to him. :)</p>

<p>Yay, cobrat! You should have told him that it took you many hours full of hard work and agony
 You’d be swimming in spirits for the rest of the year. :D</p>

<p>Dragonmom, thanks! Now, I am keeping my fingers crossed that even if some other grad school admits her, she will choose to go to UW. Really, this is a top 10 program in her field and more importantly, this will make us a 100% Husky family. </p>

<p>DD had grad school interview today and it went well. She may be in the position of deciding soon if this expensive program is worth the cost. I don’t know which way to wish

<p>I just can’t get over how hard my son is working to get those grad school apps in. One place he’s applying to is demanding paper copies of statement of purpose, transcripts, letters of recommendation,etc. He’s writing those SASEs and getting those forms to the professors for the LORs, and he’s picking up his transcript at the registrar’s office so he can get everything in the mail tomorrow. Not long ago, he would have blown off applying to this school because it was “too much work”. I think the thought of having to incur his daddy’s wrath every day should he not get into grad school is a big motivating factor here. But I still am so proud of him for doing all this hard work!</p>

<p>My S1 got a sizeable tax refund last week. Instead of blowing it on random stuff that single 27 year old males often deem important, he used to the whole refund to pay down his truck loan. </p>

<p>Another text from D - UNC MPH program welcomes her. Arrgh! Now, if a school in Boston admits her
 That would make her grad school selection decision a no brainer.</p>

<p>Montegut and PackMom - it looks like your boys are turning into responsible grownups! Congrats. </p>

<p>Got called out on Facebook by a puppy mill owner for posting “please spay or neuter” in her comment section. Man, she came after me with claws bared, and Honey, I stood my ground. You picked on the wrong soldier in this war, Baby. While it may not make me popular, I will never give up my crusade for educating people to spay and neuter their pets. Oh, and after her malicious comments to me because I dared to interrupt her business transaction, her post got removed from the online garage sale site. Guess it was worth it to forget my Southern manners!</p>

<p>Very proud of you, Montegut! Love to hear about people standing up for animals.</p>

<p>My son just got word last night that he has been accepted into a Taiwan-US exchange program for the summer. It is fully paid for (except for the flights) and he will have a personal Mandarin tutor the whole time. We are all so excited.</p>

<p>Montegut, thank you for being a relentless advocate of spaying and neutering! Serves the puppy mill owner right!</p>

<p>Sally, that is so cool! I bet he will have a blast. </p>

<p>If this thread has a goal to put everybody else down, then here I go, I am flying to Mexico in 2 days, no snow for 2 weeks.</p>

<p>Thanks, BB. I knew so little of Taiwan until he applied for this program. What a beautiful country it seems to be, with a lot of influences from many other countries in food, culture, and so on. If he would be there longer I would try to arrange to visit. It is now on my long-term travel list for sure.</p>

<p>Miami, I think one can be proud and/or happy about something without putting anyone else down.</p>

<p>Glad to read of everyone’s happy news! Always come to this thread for a pick-me-up.
@VeryHappy, your username always makes me happy. The power of positive thinking

<p>Thanks, bogibogi! I am generally a happy person!! (And I chose my screen name just hours after S2 was accepted ED at his dream school!!)</p>

<p>Go, montegut, go montegut <em>sing songy</em> <em>does a happy dance</em>
People like that make me sick. Way to put her in her place. </p>

<p>sally, that sounds like such an incredible opportunity. I wish him the best. </p>

<p>BB, best of luck! Boston was the absolute LAST place to admit me (if that’s the one you’re talking about)- such a pain. UNC is a WONDERFUL program. She has incredibly choices and I wish her the best!! </p>

<p>I ended up turning down the last internship. My advisor and I both agreed that it just wasn’t a good fit for my skills. I want to work with the org but not with that program. This left me feeling pretty scared but I got some good guidance. </p>

<p>Fast forward to yesterday and I got an email about a reproductive justice intern under an investigator that I am already working for for a different project. I emailed her to make sure I could apply for it (no conflict of interest, etc). She told me that I was one of three people who can apply for a different internship as part of the project I’m already working on. I know one of the three people is graduating and I don’t know the other person. I’m very excited (though would prefer the former project). </p>

<p>I’m beginning to believe that whole when one door closes, another opens thing :)</p>

<p>DD’s significant other just got a great job. Yeah! DS is continuing to work as an engineer and take courses necessary to change careers. So proud of him for following his interests and not the almighty dollar. :-)</p>