The Bragging Thread

<p>My son actually took the initiative to find a faculty person willing to mentor him and to write a proposal for summer research. May not seem like a big deal, but for him, Mr. Introvert I don’t need any help with advising, etc., it’s a big deal. If his proposal doesn’t get picked, the mentor said he will still work with him and can probably get him published. It will likely cost me money instead of son making money this summer, but hopefully will benefit him in the long run. He is growing up, just a little.</p>

<p>My dog will now stay for 4-6 hrs by himself without eating the couch or any other furniture!
However, he isnt happy about it & we are hesitant to do it very often.</p>

<p>So glad most folks posting here are sharing their happy news! It’s fun To read!</p>

<p>Miami…have fun. I hear the food is good (donuts included), and good swimming.</p>

<p>Yes, this is a thread where posters express POSITIVE thoughts and feelings. The “say it here” thread is a better place for complaints, crankiness or negativity.</p>

<p>My brag-- I posted a post WITHOUT making a typo!!! Woo Hoo!!</p>

<p>Woot! We got ALL our tax docs to our CPA today! It’s the earliest ever–a new record! Am so relieved and we may not need an extension for only the secon time in our married life! Am SO happy!</p>

<p>My D got promoted today! She was also requested by the client to stay on after the project to train internal staff. (I can brag here because you don’t know me in IRL, so I feel safe doing it here.) She earns a whole lot more than her mom. Not bad for a kid who was a barista for the better part of her first year out of school. :)</p>

<p>congrats kelsmom, sometimes when they’re in a great place their talents are genuinely noted and appreciated. brag on…</p>

<p>My little 4 (almost 5) year old grandson is READING! He read an entire “step into reading” book to me yesterday. :)</p>

<p>Fun, churchmusicmom! I can’t wait to have grandchildren to read to. To have them read to me - such a sweet moment. Congrats to your little guy - also to kelsmom’s d for the promotion.</p>

<p>Last brag for a while, promise. But they all happened today after a terrible week of walking pneumonia and midterms. </p>

<p>I locked in my internship for the summer! (We’re required to do one but they don’t provide us with a lot of guidance and I was getting antsy). I’m doing a historical epidemiology project on the Eugenics and Coerced/forced sterilizations that happened in California between the 1900s and 40s. </p>

<p>Then I interviewed for a position as an HIV counselor for the summer and next year. During the interview, it came up that I am interested in LARC (it’s kind of a pet project of mine to raise awareness for LARC methods and increase their use). My interviewer happened to be on a research project that is aimed at increasing the awareness and use of LARC in the campus community (I had no idea). So one geeky conversation later and I’m now not only working for her as an HIV counselor but I’m now the only student involved in the LARC project. </p>

<p>My dream is to work in sexual health promotion post-graduation and I feel like I’m getting closer and closer every day. :smiley: </p>

<p>Um…what is LARC?</p>

Sorry it took me like 20 minutes to write that stupid post because it kept “erroring” me and deleting half of my post.
It stands for long-acting reversible contraception (implanon, iuds, etc)</p>

<p>Pretty cool, Romani! Congrats!!!</p>

<p>D is in at 2 more places - Columbia and a program at JHU. Man, she will have a hard time deciding what to pick in April! </p>

<p>Thanks, BB. </p>

<p>What program is she trying to get into? She IS going to have some really hard choices. </p>

<p>Wonderful news, romani and Bunsen - congrats!</p>

<p>I’m excited because my middle daughter has just been offered a circuit court of appeals clerkship. And this is brag-worthy, too: on the flight to her interview, her carry-on had to be checked due to lack of space. Delays, sprint to connecting flight, and at destination – no bag. She was NOT wearing acceptable attire for a job interview with a judge. So she had less than an hour to figure out she wouldn’t be getting her bag, take a cab to the nearest mall, and find a suit, shoes, and underthings to wear early the next day. She said the people at Dillard’s could not have been nicer and told her as the clock approached 9 PM that they wouldn’t close the store until she got what she needed. So I’m giving a shout-out to their great service as well as my d’s ability to deal with an emergency. So relieved that it worked out!</p>

<p>It took me WAY too long to find this thread, grrr. I used to read it every post.</p>

<p>YAY good news!
And mine is DS got into Oxford for Masters program !! funding TBD, so going is TBD, but he was ACCEPTED!</p>


<p>Congrats to all on their cheery, wonderful news! </p>

<p>All of these grad school acceptances are warming my heart. </p>

<p>I really promise that this is my last one but here goes: I just got an offer to lead the project to create a “Michigan Youth Consent Day” here in MI. It’s with the Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health that I had contacted several months ago to see if they had any opportunities for me. They originally weren’t going to take on an intern because of the state slashing their funding, but they got a private grant for this and given my background in intimate partner violence, they called me up. </p>

<p>I have never led my own project before and it’s going to be entirely my baby (I just have to work within the limits of the grant) because I am the only person at the organization that has a background in intimate partner violence (IPV). That both terrifies and excites me. </p>

<p>Those of you who have followed my posts for the last few years know how near and dear IPV is to my heart. The fact that I’m going to be able to combine that with my desire to work with adolescents is just beyond anything I could’ve hoped for for my internship experience. Plus, I have a real opportunity to make a difference at a state-wide level. :smiley: :D/ </p>

<p>Not sure where this goes…but…I have not been logged off of CC once today! I’m bragging!</p>