The Bragging Thread

<p>Holiday baking done with great results…including loaves of bread in the freezer for sandwiches after Mr Turkey is served.</p>

<p>My very close friend who has not been out of the hospital/rehab since late August is getting released tomorrow. He will be staying with us for a few weeks. We are lucky he is still alive, and almost lost him multiple times. Not sure this is a true “brag” but figured you wouldn’t mind me sharing. </p>

<p>Sharing your happiness and relief, 1214. Best wishes to him and your family.</p>

<p>My youngest D placed first all-around in her gymnastics meet last weekend–in spite of falling off the beam! </p>

<p>Just bought an SUV to replace my broken-down-beyond-repair 1999 van. (H always leaves the car shopping to me–researching on-line for a few days, found a likely vehicle, drove it/liked it/got financing/had H come and sign papers.)
Long-dreaded task turned out to be virtually painless after all. Can’t believe there is a new(used) vehicle in my garage at last. Donating the van. Many memories in that old van, but now I will be happy to see it towed away!</p>

<p>Went with S to set up a solo 401K account and fund it before 2014 ended today–YIPPEE! He also funded his 401K at his workplace and will be funding an IRA. We are happy that he is doing so well.</p>

<p>He was very thoughtful and bought me a Microsoft Surface 3 as well as H & me each a Nokia Lumina 635 phone. We are switching to TMobile, which should shave off a LOT from our phone bills and give us more flexibility.</p>

<p>My son actually likes hanging out with me sometimes.</p>

<p>Yes, we have had a very nice visit with S and D. As S pointed out, we have spent about 4 of the last 8 weeks together, since he was here 2 weeks in Nov/Dec, we went up for a week in DC and saw him there, and he’s just spent another 6 days with us over Christmas! We all had a GREAT holiday, even with some medical issues.</p>

Got our 4th vehicle donated - was towed 12/31 (it is driveable, but that is their policy). The charity also fixes us autos for low income folks so they have work transportation so it was a double-win.

Both sons are in long-term, committed relationships with smart, attractive women. And I like both of the women.

Obviously your sons have great taste to have chosen women you like AND are smart and attractive! Yippee! I’m looking forward to when my kids will meet (and get into similar relationships with) such folks and introduce them to us!

I finally got save the dates done (OK, 4 months ish late, but they’re done before the wedding and that’s what counts, right?)!

AND I’ve gone nearly a week without pop. Considering I was at almost a 2 liter a day, this is big for me. Luckily the whole house is on board and we’re working together to kick the habit.

I finally became mature (i.e. realized that the college application process is extremely overrated)

I called our health insurance company and after a couple of hours on the phone they finally admitted their mistake and that the annual deductible does not apply to prescriptions and so then I was to get my prescription and only pay the co-pay! Given the size of the company my husband works for I have to believe there were other people in the same boat.

I’m not sure if I should brag about this or kick myself for not realizing it three years ago, but we just sent in three years of amended tax returns for a total refund of $2,686.

I hadn’t realized that once we started paying for medical insurance premiums out of after-tax pension money instead pre-tax employee salary, that we could include them in Schedule A. (I hadn’t really been paying much attention since it was coming out of DH’s pension. I hadn’t realized how much we were paying, either.) So between that and all the out-of-pocket expenses for a hip replacement, broken ankle, tooth extractions, and therapy related to the ankle …much MUCH higher itemized deductions. Ergo lower taxes for the last three years. Yay!

Getting a refund is a nice thing and hopefully will help offset some of those big expenses and help the pension go further. Congrats–this sounds like a good brag to me! Any time you get money you didn’t have but were owed is GREAT!

I called five companies this morning and sent them all my resume to take on extra work. So proud of myself for finally making a change!

Don’t know if this belongs here or indirectly in the “good buy of the day” but I was just balancing my checkbook and realized I’d forgotten to note 2 deposits. One was small, but one was a nice sized deposit! Gotta love it!

S2 called me yesterday because he had time in his day and he was bored. We spent 56 minutes chatting about this and that.

For S2 to just “chat” is very unusual. He’s usually just a two-minute phone call kind of guy.

Maybe what they say is true – that at age 25, something clicks in the brain and they turn from boys into men.

S1 and FDIL made it driving cross-country and are safely ensconced in their new home in CA. They really lucked out with the weather…just some light snow in northern IN and Chicago, flurries in Denver.

DD1 received a junior year $2000 additional scholarship. Nice and a great boost for her!