The Bragging Thread

Thank you mominva! I’m still shaking. I can’t even believe it. My mother burst out into tears- which I think I would do, too, if I wasn’t numb!

Yea! So happy for you and proud too that you persisted and worked so hard.

Thank you!!! I am fully funded for 5 years, too. I still think this is a dream.

Congrats, Romani! And big sigh of relief on the full funding too.

Congrats, romani!

I thought you were in the public health field… what does American Culture cover?

@notrichenough I am but now I’m kind of doing the history of public health. I’ll be studying the history of medicine and sex(uality) in the early-mid 20th century.

American Culture is a broad, interdisciplinary field that focuses on issues related to America, American history, American cultures, etc. It’s dedicated to bringing in many different fields in order to better understand the US and its legacy both in the US and around the world.

If you haven’t already, read “The History of the Pill” by Jonathan Eig. Should be just up your ally.

I read it in undergrad- I loved it!

Woo hoooooooooooooooo @romanigypsyeyes‌ !!! <:-P

DD accepted to Cambridge University for her grad program with $$, er… pounds, yay!

Just saw your post, romanigypsyeyes. Big congrats! It has been such a pleasure to watch your life unfold.

I have to kvell about the thousands of Penn State students who participated in THON this year and raised another $13M+ to fund pediatric cancer research and support families living with it. THON is the largest student run philanthropy in the world and the students who make it happen are truly awesome.

Finally got my wedding dress. Only been engaged for two years so nothing like being on the ball

I’ve never broken a bone or pierced my ears. No tattoos either; a Japanese mom puts the fear of everything in defacing one’s body. I still love my husband’s laugh and the morning stillness. Both girls are happy, tolerant, educated and smarter than both of their parents which is fine with me.

No appointments today. I am sitting at the computer in my pjs catching up on CC. This is the life…

Quilting day for me! Am making a quilt for one of my sons.

DH went into work (despite the snow and the gov’t closing) because he was presenting a conference and some folks made it in before the snowstorm. Did I mention he baked four cakes for this group last night after working 12 hours at the office? I am so proud of his dedication, but worry for his health.

@CountingDown, Very impressive! Hope the conference went well.

Just got an email from a student on CC to thank me for helping him to get into his dream school, and that dream school could only be…:slight_smile: Wishing him for the best 4 years there.

My son totaled his (my) car last week. No bodily harm to anyone, so he was very lucky. The insurance company is giving us MORE than I paid for the car back in 2011. Granted, I got a GREAT deal back then, but still, we are happy to get a little break. (I’m sure we will make up for it in insurance payments, but for now we are celebrating this little win).

My fractured fibula is healing nicely and NO MORE CRUTCHES or BOOT! Started physical therapy the day after the boot came off. It’s nice to have hand back but will really be happy when I no longer have pain or swelling!

Great news HImom. If I recall correctly, you’ve got a big trip coming up, so it was extra important that it healed quickly.