The Bragging Thread

My adult D (fashion designer, and children’s book illustrator) (nearly 27) has been moonlighting (HA! it’s been enough $ to pay all her expenses, and then some) at a chic and trendy wine restaurant in Soho, NYC for the past 18 months or so, increasingly working her way up the ladder, and was offered a paid internship with their wine director (top 5 in the NYC region) to train as a sommelier. The wine director and the restaurant’s partners will even pay for her to join and become certified (I’m not sure if that’s the right term) through the Court of Masters in the city. The internship will be about 18 months, and currently pays a six-figure plus tips and private party referrals. THAT’S the internship pay! :smiley: She had to “interview” for it, and was accepted. She’s already deep into it, taking it very seriously (well yeah, at that $, so would I!!!), and was just invited to a very prestigious wine tasting with “the” wine distributor of the region. The ironic part is that not one of us in the immediate family (including her) is a drinker.

They guys finished the rock and roll half marathon in 2:03 and 2:14!

I’m SO happy and relieved. Just completed and will be filing D’s federal tax return, to protect her Long Term Capitol Loss Carryover. So happy to be done with taxes. Her return was an unbelievable 11 pages for someone who had $0 income!

D just finished a perfect season in gymnastics-- she came in 1st all-around in all 6 meets, including the state championship, in which she was first of over 100 gymnasts in her division!

I’m officially discharged as fully recovered and healed from my fractured fibula, WOOT! Woot! Also discharged from physical therapy after 5 sessions! Have nearly complete range of motion and nearly matching strength in both legs! I am happy and relieved, as I didn’t want to go through life limping or with limited range of motion or pain.

Not bad for a first year Master’s student; I’m told that about 50 people (mostly Ph.D. candidates) submitted papers for this symposium on Bodies and the History of Art; nine (including my son’s) were selected for presentation. (I can’t post a link to the description because right now it’s only on Rutgers’ Art History Facebook page.) His first academic symposium.

That is impressive Donna!

But not surprising, if he takes after you.

Thank you! Although I certainly hope he’s more successful in his chosen career than I was.

Speaking of success, my son just found out that he was selected (again among many applicants) for a paid(!) internship this summer, which might continue into the fall, with the Princeton University Art Museum, in his exact area of specialty – their photography collection; see He’ll be working directly with the curator on assessing their collection, among other things. And it’s only about a 20-30 minute longer commute past Rutgers; he already goes there frequently to use the Princeton art library.

Congrats, Donna!!!

I was promoted to Project Manager today on the project that I’ve been on for the last 2 years.

It’s basically just a title (and pay!) change as I’ve been running the project for the last year :slight_smile:

Two kids, two fully employed kids! Today, D2 ('14) begins her permanent position, after temping, then being selected for a temp-to hire and waiting. It’s not exactly what she trained for or aimed for, in college. But it draws on the assets she honed.

GMTson1 committed today to his college. He’s so ecstatically happy!

School is a GREAT fit and the generous merit pkg means I can retire before age 90.

DS has some very big decisions to make. The goal of having choices in the college acceptance arena has been met, and surpassed! While the decision really has been made, officially, I think this latest new and very unexpected offer has been fun to entertain. A pat on the back, so to speak!

DS was hired for a Engineering co-op! He is very happy. It will help him get the experience he needs to get a job when he graduates and it pays well too. ;:wink:

My youngest daughter just got the results of a test she took in February. It is called the SLPI and it is for American Sign Language Proficiency. The test gauges the fluency of the students , but really is geared for more advanced signers ( college level , not necessarily high school ) Her ASL teacher went to great lengths to get the BOE to okay the testing.
Only one other high school in our region of southern NJ has had ASL students take the test, which was last year. Only one of the students from the other school passed the test, and they have been brought up using the language.
I am not only proud of my daughter ( and the four others who also passed ) , but this is a big thing for our school and her teacher.

She also has finally chosen a school to attend for next year, which is a huge weight off of our shoulders :slight_smile:

My D has had her share of issues over the years, but I was reminded last night of what a beautiful person she is. She attended a charity event called “Dancing in Drag.” The boys dress in drag, dance, and girls bid on them for a date night to benefit the local rape crisis center. D (who has a BF and wasn’t interested in the date part) bid on a young man she described as sweet and socially awkward (she thinks he may be autistic). She said it was obvious that it took a lot of effort for him to participate, and she was afraid no one would bid much on him, so she made sure he got the highest bid of the evening.

So proud of my nephew. He is graduating high school this year, and is going away to college. He has done amazingly well despite many tragedies in his young life. I was afraid he would stay at home, fearful of leaving his family, who he became the head of at a very young age. He has chosen academics over sports. A star athlete in high school, he could have played his sport in a Division III school, but instead, he will attend a Division I school, and be a part of an amazing academic program. So very, very proud of him.

Did my final weight in this AM. Since early Jan. I have lost more than 16% of my body weight.