The Bragging Thread

@romanigypsyeyes, I would love to see your photos also. Don’t post much but enjoy reading your posts. Be happy together :slight_smile:

I do not know if this goes here or in the Say it here thread… Kid got offered some sort of a research scholarship… Dang it! Going to another -Stan or similarly disadvantaged country… Anyone here familiar with Fulbright? Good or bad?

Your kid got a Fulbright scholarship? Are you kidding me?!! Congratulations!!!

Congrats to your Fulbright kiddo, Bunsen. Awesome accomplishment.

Really, BB, a Fulbright? Definitely a brag.

Lol BB! That is great!

Sounds like it is a good thing… Right? Thanks, all! Kiddo is abroad doing an internship, so she needs to figure out the logistics of the whole thing. I just hope she does not find herself in a war zone… :frowning:

Bunsen - my son is nine days from the end of his Fulbright experience so I am probably a little biased but I think it’s quite a big deal :slight_smile:

Also, he has been in Southeast Asia so your daughter might have a different experience, but my one piece of advice is to get started on the visa application right away. My son had worked and studied abroad but never for an amount of time that required a resident visa. A resident visa, at least for his country, is a whole other kettle of fish - it required several doctors visits, certification that he had had a certain kind of measles or mumps vaccination as a child, notarized forms of some kind . . . Definitely way more of a hassle than any other visa experience.

Fulbright? Superb. Take it. My girl had one. Congrats!
War zone? I dunno. Adjustments? Depends on the country and location. Let us know.

Thank you, all! Super helpful. Kid is super excited. I’m super worried. Kid already spent 2 years working in Central Asian “-stans” on a special bigfreakindeal kind of visa… And a year in Baltimore (which she jokes counts as two in Pakistan). She is now doing her internship abroad, so visa application might get complicated… Yikes. I will have to look into that.

Well, it’s not a Fulbright, but D is racking up awards and accomplishments lately. She decided to graduate HS early and her entire school is excited and behind her on this, so as of 10:30 today she is a senior instead of a junior. She was elected VP of ASB last week and yesterday learned that she will be one of the school reps at the National Urban League Youth Summit in FL this summer. All the final grades are not in yet, but it looks like she’ll finish the year with a solid A- (though that’s not what they call it). AND she is hard at work on her senior project which will involve a workshop on education for minority youth and parents this summer. I just drive.

sseamom, congrats to your D. It is a big deal. Mine would have loved to get out of HS early…

D got out of HS early because the HS booted her out. It turned out to be the best thing for her, as she found CC a much more nurturing place and was able to spend MORE time with her HS buddies than when she was enrolled in HS.

There are so many wonderful things going on with so many of the CCers–congrats to all!

Goodness – all these Fulbrights coming out of the woodwork! What an impressive bunch we are!! (Collectively, at least. I probably bring the average down somewhat.)

You are funny, bb! Has anyone heard of a Fulbright?? CONGRATS to your daughter!

Congrats to your D, BB. A Fulbright is quite impressive.

Congrats to your D, sseamom. Getting out of HS a year early is quite an accomplishment.

Congrats, BB!

Bunsen, that is absolutely wonderful! Congratulations! I don’t even know her and I’m proud :smiley:

We are closing on our first house on Monday. It has been a long, complicated process and I’m just so happy to be done. I am buying the house that I have lived in for the last 10 years or so (except for while at school) for full market price (no family discount) and I feel truly lucky to be able to afford such a place on a PhD income. I wanted this house because A- I love the house and B- it’s an a GREAT school district for when little Romani Jrs come around (in 10 years or so… )

What a month, romani. Happy housewarming.

Good news keeps coming…congrats all.