The Bragging Thread

Very pretty, Romani

I love the new color, Romani!

Tomorrow is the day D puts on the first of two workshops to inspire minority kids to get excited about their educations. Itā€™s being held where I work, so Iā€™ve been watching all the effort she has put into this. This 15 yo rising HS senior has recruited guest speakers, guest teachers, planned curriculum for 5 different grade levels, found ice breakers for all 5 grade levels, worked out an all-day schedule and snacks and food. She also wrote a press release, created a website for her program, and wrote up a donation request letter, plus visited 2 dozen restaurants to see if they would donate food for the day. Next week is for the HS kids, this week itā€™s for the younger age group.

I am in awe of this kid, and very proud. I may have mentioned this previously on this thread, but now that itā€™s actually happening, Iā€™m even more inspired.

sseamom, Iā€™m hoping sheā€™s as successful with college merit money. She is quite an impressive young lady. Good for her for giving back to the community at such a young age. And it sounds like she may be having fun doing it, which makes it even better.

1214mom-she IS having fun! Today she was just bouncing up and down with excitement. We found out earlier in the week that her school is partnering with an organization that will provide a college counselor-and itā€™s someone who had worked at the school as staff when DD started there but had moved on to another agency. Sheā€™s REALLY good, already knows the kids, and is very much like DD. Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll be a huge help to us. DD is focusing on colleges where she will get good merit aid, so weā€™re hoping at least some of them see her for the asset she will be to them.

DD asked what I did for MY senior project-but we didnā€™t have them. Itā€™s too bad, because this has already taught ME a lot so I know SHE is getting a lot out of it. A teacher friend down in OR has already offered to help her set up a workshop in her school. Should be an interesting year.

A band my cousin plays for won ā€œBest Song of the Monthā€ (on Songwriter Universe)ā€“happy for them, thatā€™s all!

S2 got a call Friday about a position overseas where he could use his language skills AND get paid! They seem very interested. Heā€™s thrilled and terrified. Needs to send his resume but has already talked to them. He was hoping he could land something like this in a year or so ā€“ this has blown him away. Please let him get this! I think it will really help him grow up.

DD has a summer intern job interview for 2016 on Wednesday in her field, excellent company. Fingers crossed.

Meet Fiora! (picture)
She is a 5 month old lab mix from the Humane Society. She was a stray found in Detroit. Sheā€™s hyper but a sweetie.

congratulation romani!!! Fiora is the same age as my little boy.

Oh boy!!! Who said no puppies?! She is sooo cute. Congrats, romani, and good luck!!

I failed at the no puppy thing.

Bragging that H only got a tongue lashing from me ā€œI donā€™t know why you are so madā€ for not taking the car with the spare tire on it (while rim getting fixed and then new tire) for short errands on Saturday. Spare tire blew out on me and left me stranded in a bad neighborhood in hot weather and 2 hours for tow truck to come. ā€œOh I didnā€™t know you were driving so farā€ after griping about not wanting to adjust the seat to take that car ā€œoh, the seat doesnā€™t adjust right for meā€. You were selfish and I got burned. Not having that happen again. And I will not have something similar happen with the kids either - sick of getting the short end of the stick. I am too nice. Lesson learned. And I will never have you limit me in the type of new or newer vehicle to buy, and then I am ā€˜stuckā€™ with said vehicle.

^^You go, girl!

I got comcast to give me more services (not more service, LOL, thatā€™s a pipe dream) for $30 less a month. For a year. No contract.

My three kids all got into college!

I got a water bill $3.81 this month. I thought of this thread. It turns it was more than that but why did the bill say $3.81. Oh well I will be waiting for next bill. Which is the real bill.

Decided I would do 100 miles of exercise this month.
I walked,ran, kayaked and biked. This morning I hit 105 miles!

My girl got an offer at the law firm where she was a summer associate!

Donā€™t know if this is parents only- but my school has a sticker price of nearly $60k/year, and with merit scholarships, smaller program scholarships, being chosen as an RA, and a pretty good grant, Iā€™ll be paying less than $5,000 for the year, which is less than a quarter of what I paid last year. My parents are paying for a significant portion of my college education, for which Iā€™m endlessly thankful, and Iā€™m so happy that Iā€™ve been able to cut costs for them.