The Bragging Thread

D has been working every waking minute when she’s not been in school (including ALL of Labor Day weekend) finishing up her 2 online courses that she needs to graduate HS this year instead of next. It’s been grueling work, with a ton of reading, writing, analysis, etc. and she’s had an “A” average in both classes. Tonight she hit “send” on the last assignment. She can now “just” do her regular class work and final standardized tests, plus college applications. This kid had a vision and she is putting it into action, without any prompting from us. I am so proud of her and would also like to bottle her energy and sell it.

We had our 9th annual event for patients, careagivers and the general public. It has over 100 patients and caregivers show up on a wet, drizzly, muggy day. We also had 14 exhibitors, with over 50 volunteers, healthcare students and health professionals to provide information for the attendees. The presentations were 4 different speakers (including me), and a legislator who was key in enacting some ground-breaking legislation–first state in the nation to have no electronic smoking devices or tobacco products allowed to be sold to or possessed by folks under 21, none of these products at all where smoking is banned, and none of these products on any public beaches or parks in our state.

The exhibitors and attendees were thrilled to be there and shared a lot of great information. I believe many of them will start attending our support group meetings, which we’ve been holding monthly for years. We provided materials, drawstring nylon bags and a light snack and lunch.

That is wonderful all the way around, @HImom !

Yes, pretty much everyone felt it was a great success! Thanks!

I ran out of pages in my 98-page US passport. It took 7 years, and I maxxed out on the number of additional 24-page blank visa page insertions (you’re allowed up to 3 insertions).

It is, however, going to be a bummer to start again from scratch and no longer get the puzzled, raised eyesbrows from immigration officers that I used to get when I handed them them the fat, 3/4" thick book.

It’s also going to be a big bummer to have an older looking photo.

I saved all my expired passports. Hey I’m sentimental that way.

He found the title to his car (that I told him to keep in a safe place). Yay!

Last week my son had to make an emergency visit to our regional passport agency because he realized that not all of the pages in his passport are “Visa” pages – and he did not have any blank Visa pages for the Visa he needs to get. He said the passport agent took one look at his passport and checked the box to add 48 pages. He is not entirely thrilled about this because now his passport won’t close.

I’m wondering, GMT, does your passport close? I was thinking of trying to find a case of some sort but I’m not sure using one wouldn’t be more of a hassle than it’s worth, if he has to keep taking the case on and off.

Yes, it closes. So do spouse’s & kids’ passports. They also had 3 additional visa page insertions (the passports were originally issued as the conventional 24 page book). The blank pages are slightly narrower than the original passport pages, so when the book closes, all the page edges are flush.

None of us have ever bothered w a passport cover. Never really understood the point of them and think they would be annoying since a lot of immigration officers want the passport taken out of the case. I just throw my passport inside an unglamourous quart-size Ziploc bag, along w my boarding pass & a pen for filling out immigration entry/customs forms. Also, to unclutter my wallet as I leave a country, I throw my unused coins in there.

LOL @GMTplus7 about looking older in photo in new passport. At least you have to renew before the required 10 years, bought yourself three years.

That reminded me that daughter is finally old enough for a 10 year passport on her next renewal and will have to renew it on her own come February. One less thing for me to worry about.

My younger one also just got old enough for a 10-year. He got to raise his right hand on his own, to swear that the information on the application was true. :smiley:

I think the problem with S’s passport is that the new stitching isn’t “broken in” yet so if he lays it on the table, it pops open to the middle. I suggested that he put it under a few heavy books – we’ll see if he does that or just lives with it.

Or do what our grandfather’s did: use a rubber band.
Just want to say my girls’ prior passport pix made them look awfully suspicious. TSA actually laughed.

Just balanced the checkbooks and found I’d subtracted something twice (love that found money!) And, more importantly, my business just paid back the last of a loan from our personal account, with plenty to spare! Time to flush it down the stock market :wink:

Both my kids had passport pics taken when they were 12-13. They both look like mug shots from the Juvie Most Wanted List. By the time S2 used his passport again (for a domestic flight – no one would believe his age), he had gone from an 11 yo middle schooler to a 14 yo, 6’2", 220 lb manchild. TSA had a good laugh at that!

Was just asked to be lead off speaker for a national summit that will be held in FL. They will pay my airfare and some of my hotel bills. It’s a subject I’m passionate about and have been working in since 2007, so this will be a lot of fun!

As an added bonus, at my request they’re funding one night of hotel for a friend who has also been very active in the field, who lives in the state but couldn’t quite manage a hotel room on her budget. She’ll be driving up for the summit but wants a place to say overnight, since she no longer drives at night. She and I are delighted, since we haven’t seen one another in many years.

HImom, pm me where in FL you will be. Love to meet IRL

Sounds great! We will be in Tampa for 8 days.

Latest check up shows great numbers and progress. And I did it all on my own, with the support of family. Feeling great! =D>

Hurrah for your progress @sseamom!